
  • 网络Halon
  1. 世纪之初广东省淘汰氟利昂(CFCs)和哈龙工作刻不容缓

    To Phase out CFCs and Halon is a Task Which Brooks no Delay for Guangdong Province at the Beginning of the Century

  2. 由于CFCs和哈龙已被国际社会列为逐步淘汰并最终禁止使用的产品,所以ODS替代品这一新兴的环保产业应运而生,具有广阔的发展前景。

    As CFCs and Halon have been listed by the international society as compounds to be phased out and eventually banned . ODS substitutes , a newly - emerged environmental protection industry arose which will have promising prospects .

  3. 哈龙代用品CHF2~Br在大气中的寿命

    Atmospheric lifetime of CHF_2Br , a proposed substitute for halons

  4. EBM气溶胶灭火剂是一种新型高效灭火剂,其灭火效率高于哈龙类灭火剂。

    EBM aerosol fire extinguishing agent is a new type of fire extinguishing agents of high efficiency , its efficiency is higher than that of Halons .

  5. 由于人类活动引起的全氯氟烃(CFCs)、哈龙、四氯化碳等化学物质的污染,大气臭氧数量急剧减少,臭氧层变得越来越薄。

    Because all chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), halons , carbon tetrachloride and other chemical pollution , ozone has drastically reduced the ozone layer becomes thinner .

  6. 目前国内应用的哈龙灭火剂替代物主要有:FM-200、二氧化碳、烟烙尽、气溶胶、SDE等。

    Now , FM-200 , carbon dioxide , Intergen , Aerosol and SDE are main substitutes used in our country .

  7. 哈龙替代物的现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Development of " Halon " Alternatives

  8. 新一代哈龙替代灭火剂

    New halon replacement is a breakthrough in sustainability and safety

  9. 21世纪洁净气体灭火新技术的开拓、发展与眺望&暨中国哈龙银行建设总体方案和管理模式的初步设想

    Prospect of Clear Gas based Fire Control in 21st Century

  10. 析哈龙灭火系统替代技术现状

    The analysis of the state of the replacement technology of Halon extinguishing system

  11. 哈龙替代产品的研究现状及发展趋势

    Research Situation and Development Tendency of Halon Substitutes

  12. 水管系统、私人消防管系统及哈龙灭火系统安装标准。

    Standard for the Installation of Standpipe , Private Hydrants , and Hose Systems .

  13. 上海市哈龙占有情况统计及回收储存情况的分析

    Statistics of Halon Possession and Recover in Shanghai

  14. 哈龙替代技术应用研究

    Applied Research of Substitute Technology for Halon

  15. 中场发动机莱恩。塔尼克利夫成为2011年度丹泽尔。哈龙青年球员奖。

    Midfield dynamo Ryan Tunnicliffe is the Jimmy Murphy Young Player of the Year for2011 .

  16. 你得到了灭火器!它通过消耗哈龙(一种化合物)瓶扑灭大火。

    You got the Fire Extinguisher ! It uses halon canisters to put out fires .

  17. 哈龙替代技术的应用选择方法

    An Assessment Approach for Halon substitute technique

  18. 哈龙替代产品的开发及其应用

    Development and Application of Halon Substitutes

  19. 在移动灭火器的哈龙替代方面,通过分析比较,提出了等效替代方案。

    Gain in mobile fire extinguisher of Halon substitute , to comparing , it expound equivalent project .

  20. 直接替代哈龙的灭火剂

    Direct Halon replacement agent

  21. 替代哈龙的清洁灭火剂

    Clean agent halon replacement

  22. 本文最后对我国哈龙替代技术的应用提出了应针对具体场所根据选用原则选择适当的哈龙替代品的意见和建议。

    At the end , the text propound constructive comments and proposals with Halon substitute technology studying and using .

  23. 介绍了哈龙固定灭火系统淘汰背景,哈龙灭火系统替代技术发展现状。

    The background and recent progress of the alternatives of Halon fire extinguish systems is summarized in the present paper .

  24. 文章阐述了目前哈龙替代技术的研究状况、相关科研成果及替代技术的发展趋势。

    The paper discusses the current research situation of halon alternative technology , the related achievements as well as its development tendency .

  25. 对广东省哈龙银行建设的规模、组织机构、运作模式和必要的配套措施等问题作探讨。

    The article discusses the scale , organization structure , operation pattern and necessary measures to construct the halon bank in Guangdong province .

  26. 以及哈龙的气体替代物&洁净气体灭火新技术的由来、开拓及其发展趋势;

    At the same time , the origin , development and foreground of a substitute for Halon namely clear gas fire are introduced .

  27. 细水雾灭火以其高效、环保的特点,已经成为最具有发展潜力的哈龙替代技术和国际火灾科学前沿的研究热点之一。

    It is a substitute of big developing potentiality for halon agents , and becomes a hot spot of international researches on fire protection .

  28. 作为重要的哈龙替代技术,惰性气体和全氟烷烃灭火介质以其对灭火现场无污染、灭火无残留、不导电、灭火速度快等优点而在当今气体灭火剂市场上占据了主导地位。

    As Halon alternatives , inert gases and halocarbon fire extinguishing agent are now commonly used because of their cleanliness , effectiveness and non-conductive characters .

  29. 笔者对氮气灭火系统的特性、优缺点及其适用范围进行了分析,将氮气与其他哈龙替代气体灭火系统进行了比较,探讨了引起矿井与建筑火灾扑救差异的原因。

    The characteristics of nitrogen extinguishing system , its advantages and disadvantages , and its applicability are analyzed and compared with other halon alternative systems .

  30. 作为传统哈龙灭火系统的替代产品,细水雾灭火系统具有广阔的发展空间和市场前景。

    As the alternative Products of traditional halon fire extinguishing system , water mist fire extinguishing system has a big market and a bright future .