
  • Kazakhstan;Republic of Kazakhstan;Kazakstan;KAZ;KZ
  1. 单是哈萨克斯坦就有一百多个民族。

    Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities .

  2. 吉尔吉斯与乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦接壤。

    Kirgizia is bounded by Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Tajikistan .

  3. 他已邀请俄罗斯领导人和哈萨克斯坦总统参加会谈。

    He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan

  4. 在苏联时代和紧随其后的一段时期,该地区的官方名称为“中亚和哈萨克斯坦”。

    During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath , the region was officially known as ' Middle Asia and Kazakhstan ' .

  5. 不过,纺织品制造商和消费者对此感到不满,在哈萨克斯坦甚至有人抗议这一禁令。

    However , textile producers and shoppers were not happy about this and there were even protests against the ban in Kazakhstan . 8 .

  6. 2014年,俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦颁布了一条法规,要求接触皮肤的衣服含棉量至少达到6%。

    In 2014 Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan introduced a regulation which requires clothing in contact with skin to contain at least 6 percent of cotton .

  7. 即使是她在哈萨克斯坦青年国家队的教练努尔兰·萨迪科夫也在接受TengrinNews采访时表示,“这样根本没办法工作。”

    Even her coach on Kazakhstan 's Under-19 national team has complained about it . Nurlan Sadikov told Tengrin News : ' It is impossible to work like this .

  8. 据美国农业部(USDepartmentofAgriculture)表示,乌克兰、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦三国的黑海地区去年出口了840万吨饲料大麦,占1690万吨总贸易量一半。

    The Black Sea region of Ukraine , Russia and Kazakhstan last year exported 8.4m tonnes of feed barley , half the trade of 16.9m tonnes , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  9. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  10. 哈萨克斯坦投行VisorCapital的研究称,如今中国企业对哈萨克斯坦大约四分之一的石油产量拥有股权。

    Chinese companies now have equity ownership of about a quarter of oil produced in the country , says research by Visor Capital .

  11. 哈萨克斯坦HK-2井中石炭统沉积环境分析

    Sedimentary environment analysis of the Middle Carboniferous of Well HK-2 in Kazakhstan

  12. 他还担心,哈萨克斯坦雇主并不像该国学生所想的那样重视mba,即便是西方名校的mba。

    He is also concerned that Kazakh employers do not value an MBA , even from a respected western school , quite as much as Kazakh students think .

  13. AnnaShalabayevais是穆赫塔尔·阿布利亚佐夫的妻子,阿布利亚佐夫是前哈萨克斯坦的能源部长,得到了英国的庇护,但是目前没有人清楚他在哪里。

    Anna Shalabayevais is the wife of Mukhtar Ablyazov , a former Kazakh energy minister granted asylum by Britain , but whose current whereabouts are unknown .

  14. 包括住友(Sumitomo)和三菱(Mitsubishi)在内的数家贸易公司,也正在哈萨克斯坦和巴西等地联合勘探开发。

    Several trading companies , including Sumitomo and Mitsubishi , are also exploring joint developments in Kazakhstan , Brazil and elsewhere .

  15. 已经成立10年的上海合作组织(SCO),代表着中国、俄罗斯和中亚国家(如哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦)之间显然存在利益交集。

    The decade-old Shanghai Co-operation Organisation speaks to an apparent confluence of interests between China , Russia and central Asian states such as Kazakhstan and Tajikistan .

  16. AbraajGroup管理着80多亿美元资产,通过七个业务中心在35座城市开展经营活动,从拉美到中国,从哈萨克斯坦到南非,到处都有它的投资印记。

    It manages over $ 8 billion , operating out of seven hubs across 35 cities , with investments from Latin America to China , from Kazakhstan to South Africa .

  17. 六号种子选手李娜在一小时18分钟内以6-1、6-3的比分战胜哈萨克斯坦选手卡拉坦切娃(SesilKaratantcheva),已经踏上夺取澳网公开赛(AustralianOpen)冠军的征程。

    Sixth seed Li Na has begun her quest to finally clinch the Australian Open , an event where she has flourished but never taken the top spot , with a 6-1 , 6-3 win over Kazakhstan 's Sesil Karatantcheva in one hour and 18 minutes .

  18. 纽约上市的奢侈品集团coach和伦敦上市的哈萨克斯坦铜矿企业kazakhmys都宣布了在香港上市的计划。

    Coach , the new York-listed luxury goods group , and kazakhmys , the London-listed Kazakh copper miner , have announced plans to list in Hong Kong .

  19. 今年,哈萨克斯坦西北部城市阿克托别(Aktobe)发生了骚动,原因是有报道称,中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)在当地的一家子公司要求工人参加汉语考试。

    This year there was uproar in the north-western city of Aktobe after it was reported that the local affiliate of China National Petroleum Corporation was requiring workers to take Chinese language tests .

  20. 但受中国经济放缓、乌克兰危机拖累俄罗斯经济以及油价下挫等因素影响,国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测,哈萨克斯坦今年的经济增速将从2013年的6%降至4.6%。

    But buffeted by the slowdown in China , the effect of the Ukraine crisis on the Russian economy and plunging oil prices , the International Monetary Fund has forecast growth will slow this year to 4.6 per cent from 6 per cent in 2013 .

  21. 哈萨克斯坦重组不同寻常之处在于国家没有提供任何担保,bta银行问题最严重的银行的多数债权人一起分担了痛苦。

    The Kazakh restructuring , completed in September this year , is unusual because instead of getting a state guarantee , the majority of the creditors of BTA bank , the biggest problem , shared the pain .

  22. 哈萨克斯坦实行双议会制,由下议院(theMazhilis)和上议院(参议院)构成。

    Kazakhstan has a bicameral Parliament , comprised of the lower house ( the Mazhilis ) and upper house ( the Senate ) .

  23. 如今的总统候选人中很大一部分是铁腕人物的女儿:韩国的朴瑾惠、法国的玛琳??勒庞、秘鲁的藤森庆子、危地马拉的ZuryRíosMontt、哈萨克斯坦的DarigaNazarbayeva。

    A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .

  24. 周二下午,俄罗斯“联盟tma-06m”载人飞船搭载着3名宇航员,从哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔太空中心发射升空。

    Russian spacecraft Soyuz tma-06m blasted off with an on-board crew of 3 from the Baikonur Space Center inKazakhstan on Tuesday afternoon .

  25. 传统上,现在称作乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的这些国家,当时并非国家;那时的中亚是相互重叠、错综复杂的部落群,或布拉哈(Bokhara)这样的多民族城邦。

    Traditionally , the countries now called Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Tajikistan were not states ; central Asia was an overlapping maze of tribal groups or ethnically diverse city states , such as Bokhara .

  26. 俄中投资基金将主要由rdif负责管理,并须将至少70%的投资放在俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和白俄罗斯。

    The new Sino-Russian fund will be managed primarily by the rdif and is required to make at least 70 per cent of its investments in Russia , Kazakhstan and Belarus .

  27. 但过去两年,哈萨克斯坦政府对外国投资者提出了更高要求,最终迫使外国公司减持股权,让哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司(kazmunaigas)取得更高股权比例。

    But over the past two years , the Kazakh government has escalated its demands on its foreign investors , eventually forcing the companies to reduce their stake in order to give kazmunaigas , its national oil company , a larger share .

  28. 哈萨克斯坦不会加入危及本国独立的组织。

    Kazakhstan will not enter an organisation which threatens our independence .

  29. 用于哈萨克斯坦北部扎奇油田的高强度低密度水泥浆体系

    The High-strength Low-density Cementing Slurry Used in North Buzachi in Kazakhstan

  30. 信息处理用哈萨克斯坦哈文字符及输入法研究

    Character Research and Input Method of Kazakhstan Kazakh in Information Processing