
  • 网络hakim;Hakeem;Abdul Hakim;Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
  1. 伊拉克总理马利基等高级官员星期六在巴格达纪念在暴力袭击中死去的伊拉克人,特别是什叶派教士哈基姆。

    Iraq 's prime minister and high-level officials gathered in Baghdad on Saturday to commemorate Iraqis who have been killed in violence , particularly Ayatollah Hakim .

  2. 伊朗人和所有的什叶派社区都有密切的联系,不仅是萨德尔,还有哈基姆。

    " The Iranians have close associations with all the Shia communities , not only Sadr , but also with [ Abdul Aziz al - ] Hakim ," he said .

  3. 恩比德可能有点老派,他说过,纵观篮球史,他最喜欢的是前MVP哈基姆-奥拉朱旺。

    Embiid went slightly more old school , saying his favorite all-timer is former MVP Hakeem Olajuwon .

  4. 但不知怎么的,我说服我自己我是哈基姆。

    But somehow , I convinced myself that I was Hakeem .

  5. 火箭队拥有引以为傲的中锋历史,比如摩西-马龙,比如哈基姆-奥拉朱旺。

    Houston has a history of terrific big men , like Moses Malone and Hakeem Olajuwon .

  6. 他们引起的轰动和关注是休斯顿火箭自哈基姆奥拉朱旺退役后就从未感受过的。

    Never since the days of Hakeem Olajuwon had there been so much hype surrounding the Houston Rockets .

  7. 哈基姆被认为是什叶派领导层中相对温和的成员,他曾经因为允许自己的追随者同美国在伊拉克的管理机构合作而受到批评。

    The ayatollah was considered a relative moderate among the Shi'ite leadership , and he was sometimes criticized for allowing his followers to cooperate with the U.S. administration of Iraq .

  8. 哈基姆女士试图量化身体和社会资产的复杂混合物,其由美貌、性感、自我呈现、社交技巧、活力和性能力组成。

    Ms Hakim attempts to quantify a complex mix of physical and social assets , consisting of beauty , sex appeal , self-presentation , social skills , liveliness and sexual competence .

  9. 路途遥远,他们得先搭很久的公交车,她的侄子法兹利.哈基姆背着年幼的父亲,再走上一小时的山路,才能抵达圣人的住处。

    It was a long journey by bus , then an hour 's walk up the hill to where he lived . Her nephew Fazli Hakim had to carry my father on his shoulders .

  10. 在两位明星中锋的对位中,奥兰多的沙奎尔-奥尼尔得到了22分18篮板和5助攻,休斯顿的哈基姆-奥拉朱旺砍下了30分12篮板和6助攻。

    In a matchup of star centers , Orlando 's Shaquille O'Neal had 22 points , 18 rebounds and five assists and Houston 's Hakeem Olajuwon notched 30 points , 12 rebounds and six assists .

  11. 哈基姆-奥拉朱旺和拉尔夫-桑普森分才处于他们职业生涯的第二年和第三年,初生牛犊不怕虎的双塔在1986年西部决赛中干净利落的将湖人斩于马下。这对双子星看上去就像是未来十年内联盟的霸主。

    Hakeem Olajuwon and Ralph Sampson , in their second and third years respectively , blitzed the Lakers in the 1986 Western Conference Finals . They looked like a duo who could rule the league for the next decade .

  12. 二十世纪九十年代迎来了中锋盛世,当时的名人堂中锋——哈基姆,尤因,罗宾逊和沙克——几乎占到了联盟排名前十球员中的一半,这之后以投射见长的球员和锋卫摇摆人开始成为联盟主流,中锋位置上的超级明星大量凋零。

    Following the Big Men Heyday of the 1990s , when Hall of Fame centers   -   Hakeem , Ewing , Robinson , and Shaq   -   made up almost half of the league 's top 10 players , the position 's star power started to drop off significantly as jump-shooters and swingmen became the craze .