
  • 网络Brand transfer;brand switching;brand switch
  1. 存在品牌转移者和品牌忠诚者的产品差异模型

    A product differentiation model with brand-switchers and brand-loyalists

  2. 关于信任转移的学术探讨则不过是近几年才零星出现的,且绝大多数研究的是线下信任到预在线信任(initialonlinetrust)的转移,直接验证品牌信任转移的研究则十分少见。

    Academic research on trust transfer only appears sporadically in recent years , and the vast majority of which was about the transfer from offline trust to initial online trust . Study of the direct transfer from offline to online of brand trust is very rare .

  3. 但在广告传播实践中,消费者的态度对象可能发生分离,即从指向产品(品牌)转移到指向广告。

    But in advertisement practice , it is possible that the consumers ' attitude objects divert from product or brand to advertisement .

  4. 大众化汽车厂商正努力解决利润变薄、品牌忠诚度转移和全球竞争加剧等问题,而高端品牌显示出了后来居上的势头。

    Mass manufacturers are struggling with skinny margins , shifting loyalties , and global competitors while the makers of high-end cars seem to coast above the fray .

  5. 本文从营销渠道系统变革中审视中国零售企业地位的改变,分析了中国零售企业向自有品牌战略转移的动因和可行性,提出了可采取的营销策略。

    This article scans Chinese retail corporation position alteration , analyses reason feasibility about Chinese retail corporation transferring to private brand strategy and brings forward adopted marketing strategy from marketing channel system transformation .

  6. 本研究并深入探讨了不同类型的消费群体在以不同的路径进行品牌态度的转移后,对购买意愿的贡献也是不同的。

    In the paper , the in-depth exploration on the different consumer has the different contribution to the co-branding purchase-intension .

  7. 基于中国廉价的劳动力市场和生产制造能力,已经有越来越多的世界著名品牌将生产转移到中国。

    A growing number of world famous brands have shifted production to China basing on cheap labor market and manufacturing capabilities in the China .

  8. 当一种品牌的技术转移到另一种品牌的成本非常高时,用户就面临着锁定。

    When one kind of brand and technology transfers to another , especially the first cost is higher than the second , the user faces locking .

  9. 但这些抢占了构建零售网络先机的经销商,目前也在收购品牌,以努力转移到价值链的上游。

    But distributors , which had a head start in establishing a retail network , are also now acquiring brands in their efforts to move up the value chain .

  10. 本文以中部三线城市&安阳为例,探讨如何积极主动地承接产业转移,发展本地服装品牌,在产业转移的同时促进产业升级,而不是单纯的产业迁移。

    Based on the central three-wire city & Anyang explore how to actively undertake industrial transfer and development the local clothing brand . In the industrial transfer process , promote industrial upgrading , but not just industry migration .

  11. 而且品牌的可延伸性与现有品牌权益中可以转移到新的延伸产品中的因素有关。

    Brand extension relates to what can be transferred into the new extended product in the present brand equity .

  12. 科技品牌的数量已增加逾一倍,包括电信品牌向无线品牌的转移。

    The number of technology brands has more than doubled , including the shift of telecommunications brands to wireless .

  13. 品牌延伸的策略技巧,应从品牌的核心价值与个性、品牌可转移的资产及高档品牌形象等方面来经营,以防陷入品牌延伸的陷阱。

    So the strategy technique of brand extension should operate from the core value of the brand and personality to avoid sinking into the trap of the brand extension .