
  • 网络Nephrite;hetian jade;Jade
  1. 这是本关于和田玉的书。

    This book is talking about nephrite .

  2. 黄龙玉是一种高品质的矿石,在国内与和田玉和翡翠一样受欢迎。

    Huanglong jade is a high-quality mineral enjoying equal popularity with Hetian jade and emeralds in China .

  3. 他们操纵缅甸和田玉宗教雕塑市场。

    They manipulate the religious sculpture market too .

  4. 和田玉在中国人心中象征着瑰丽、高尚、圣洁。

    In Chinese opinion , Hotan Jade is the symbol of beauty , nobility and sanctity .

  5. 在中国源远流长的历史长河中,和田玉在我国一直占据国石的地位。

    In Chinese ancient history , Hotan jade in China has been dominated " by " status .

  6. 目前绝大部分和田玉首饰仍停留在传统款式的沿用与变化上,缺乏颜色和款式上的变化。

    At present , most Hotan Jade jewelry still follows and changes on traditional styles , lacking changes on colors and styles .

  7. 稳健的提升设计能力和审美水平,引导现代和田玉首饰设计的发展,推动中国传统玉文化的现代演绎和传播发展。

    Guide the development of modern Hotan jade jewelry design , promote modern interpretation and dissemination of Chinese traditional jade culture development .

  8. 中国使用和田玉制作玉器历史悠久,已积累了工艺鉴定和田玉的丰富经验。

    China use nephrite make jade article have a long history , accumulate craft determine abundant experience of nephrite already .

  9. 实验结果初步说明,通过太赫兹波段的吸收谱和折射率的特征差异与种类之间的关系判断和田玉的种类是可行的,为无损和田玉种类鉴别提供一种新型的方法。

    The results indicate that it is feasible to apply THz-TDS technique to identification of Hotan jade , which provides a new approach to the nondestructive examination of Hotan jade .