
  1. 她声称自己不是嗜酒如命者,因为她并不一个人独酌。

    She claims she 's not an alcoholic because she doesn 't drink alone .

  2. 他的魂临近深坑,他的生命接近灭命者。

    And his soul draws near to the pit , and his life , to the destroyers .

  3. 至于摩押,求你作他的隐密处脱离灭命者的面。勒索人的归于无有,毁灭的事止息了,欺压人的从国中除灭了。

    Let mine outcasts dwell with thee , Moab ; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler : for the extortioner is at an end , the spoiler ceaseth , the oppressors are consumed out of the land .