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Zhōu dūn yí
  • usu. called Zhōuzǐ or Philosopher Zhou;ranked next to Zhu Xi
  1. 周敦颐(1017-1073),字茂叔、号濂溪先生。

    Zhou Dunyi ( 1017-1073 ), styled Mao Shu , assumedly named Mr.

  2. 论周敦颐道德思想体系之建构及其现代整合

    Construction of ZHOU Dun-yi 's System of Moral Thought and Its Modern Integration

  3. 周敦颐新儒家形上学与伦理学

    The Neo-Confucian Metaphysics and Ethics of Chou Tun-i

  4. 朱熹的宇宙本体论是对周敦颐学说的继承和改造。

    Zhu xi 's cosmic ontology is the inheritance and transformation of Zhou Dun yi 's theory .

  5. 周敦颐:儒学本体论思维向度的开启者自卸车联动式大开度后栏板启闭机构

    Zhou Dun-yi : On the Ontological Entrance of the Classical Confucianism ; Linkage Backboard-Open-and-Closed Mechanism of Big Aperture in Dump Truck

  6. 从周敦颐到朱熹,理学家们都纷纷尽己之所长,力图找到一种至圣的途径。

    From Zhou Dun-yi to Zhu Xi , Neo are all have to make our own director , trying to find a holy way .

  7. 解读周敦颐的山水题咏诗,将会更深刻地理解周敦颐的君子人格。

    Reading of Zhou Dunyi 's poems singing of mountains and rivers would make us get more idea of his gentleman 's moral character .

  8. 理学鼻祖周敦颐一生到过江西、四川、湖南、广东任职和生活,他所到之处多游记并留有石刻题名。

    Zhou Dunyi , Originator of School Li once lived and worked in Jiangxi , Sichuan , Hunan , and Guangdong , where he left behind many travel notes and stone inscriptions .

  9. 作为“道学宗主”的周敦颐,以其思辨且极具审美情趣的人格模式,奠定了宋明理学理想人格的基础。

    As the king of Neo-Confucianism , Zhou Dunyi has laid a foundation of an ideal personality of the Song and Ming Dynasties with his thinking and analyzing , and with his appreciation of the beauty .

  10. 这一部分首先通过生平、讲学、后人对其思想的研究与评价阐明周敦颐在理学思想发展史中的宗师地位,总论以周敦颐理学思想为基础研究其美学思想的思路。

    Firstly , it introduces the important position of Zhou Dun-yi in the history of neo-Confucianism through all his life and estimation of descendants about his thoughts in order to indicate the train of thought of the dissertation .

  11. 作为理学宗师,周敦颐融合儒、道、佛思想建构的思想体系不仅对宋明理学具有开创性意义,而且为宋代及后代美学理论奠定了基础。

    As the initiator of neo-Confucianism , Zhou Dun-yi had constructed theoretical system which not only had initiating significance to neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties but also established a basis of aesthetic theory in Song and the later periods .