
Chih-Jou Jay Chen , a researcher at Taiwan 's Academia Sinica , said senior Chinese leaders in the 1990s also saw Mr. Wu 's careful approach as a potential alternative should market economics fail .
Mr. Wu had a knack for selling hard-nosed business decisions as generosity .
Disharmonious Notes in the Brilliant Movement of Life & On Several Doubts about the Reportage Brilliant WU Ren-bao
One of his rules to sustain Huaxi 's riches : Anyone who leaves town loses all title to the money .
His funeral is scheduled for the auspicious time of 8:08 a.m. on Friday , said a spokesman for the town Tuesday .
While Mr. Wu kept his party bosses happy by swearing allegiance to socialism , he turned rice and pig farmers into millionaires .
Mr. Wu pivoted Huaxi 's economy from farming toward manufacturing and trade , with ventures in steelmaking , then liquor , banking and tourism .
Though Mr. Wu remained active in party affairs , he retired as the village 's party chief in 2003 and relinquished his key positions to a son , Wu Xie'en .
The old secretary had always been against the idea of borrowing but had relented over the years and eventually agreed to a debt-to-asset ratio of 20 per cent for Huaxi Group .
Wu Renbao took a vague concept ─ ' capitalism with Chinese characteristics ' ─ as the blueprint to turn a farm community into what is now known in China as the country 's richest village .
Mr. Wu is widely respected by us . ' Mr. Wu 's death also got attention in national media on Tuesday , as broadcasters used the village 's transformation as a reminder of strides China has made .
' I raised cattle and fed pigs during the day and took care of the disabled son of my landlord in the morning and night . All this hard work earned me 20 kilos of rice a year , ' Mr. Wu told a Chinese magazine two years ago .
Mr. Wu , who died of lung cancer at age 84 on Monday , responded to China 's market overhauls in the early 1980s with a politically savvy strategy to charge up the economy of Huaxi , the village in eastern Jiangsu province that he headed as Communist Party secretary .