
  • 网络GRAND HYATT;grand hyatt bali;Grand Hyatt Hotel;GrandHyatt;Hyatt
  1. 这幅画作是当代艺术家崔如琢创作的《山色苍茫酿雪天》(SnowyMountain),周一在香港君悦酒店(GrandHyattHongKong)举行的保利(Poly)拍卖会上拍出。

    The painting ' Snowy Mountain ' by contemporary artist Cui Ruzhuo was sold at a Poly Auction event Monday at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong .

  2. 上月,周大福在香港君悦酒店(GrandHyatt)的舞厅举办了一场拍卖会,拍卖一些最昂贵的珠宝。

    Last month , Chow Tai Fook hosted an auction of some of its most expensive jewellery in the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong .

  3. 保利称,在香港君悦酒店举行的为期两天的拍卖活动中,共出售大约2000件、总价值11亿港元的收藏品。

    Poly said it sold about 2,000 collectibles worth HK $ 1.1 billion during its own two-day event at the hotel .

  4. 君悦酒店一位发言人表示,酒店已经让警方查看了拍卖区域的监控录像。

    A hotel spokesperson said it allowed police officers to view video footage from its security cameras that monitored the auction area .

  5. 豪华现代的国际酒店相继进驻东京,有六本木的君悦酒店、汐留的港丽酒店和无比雅致的东方文华酒店,诱人地巍然耸立于日本桥上。

    Modern , luxury international hotels have opened one after the other , with the Roppongi Grand Hyatt , the Conrad in Shiodome and the supremely elegant Mandarin Oriental perched above Nihonbashi among the slickest offerings .

  6. 此次研讨会将于9月9日在伦敦金融城市长访问深圳期间于深圳君悦酒店举行,市长将出席并作欢迎致辞。

    This Seminar will take place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Shenzhen on9 September , to coincide with the visit of the Lord Mayor of the City of London , who will deliver a opening speech at the event .

  7. 墨尔本君悦大酒店的再度开发将进一步巩固酒店作为墨尔本形象建筑产业以及世界级酒店接待服务供应商的地位。

    The redevelopment of Grand Hyatt Melbourne will further cement the hotel 's position as an iconic Melbourne property and world-class hospitality provider .

  8. 星期四晚上,姚明和叶莉在北京东方君悦大酒店宴了请他们的队员,姚明的发言人艾里克-张说。

    Yao and ye held a dinner Thursday night at beijing 's Grand Hyatt Hotel to fete the nuptials with their teammates , Yao spokesman Erik Zhang said .

  9. 北京东方君悦典范的商务酒店空间

    Grand Hyatt Beijing the Perfect Business Hotel Space