
  • 网络Constantine;constantin;Constantine the Great;Constantinus;Konstantin BESSMERTNY
  1. 从古罗马竞技场,往回经过君士坦丁之门。

    From the Coliseum , Go Back Through the Gate of Constantine .

  2. 很明显,有了君士坦丁大帝后,就有了皇帝推行这个宗教。

    Obviously with Constantine you get the emperor promoting this religion now .

  3. 君士坦丁大帝也的确不懂希腊语,查士丁尼的希腊语音调不正。

    Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian 's accent was bad .

  4. 为什么君士坦丁大帝改信基督教?

    Student : Do we know why Constantine converted ?

  5. 我会讲讲,为什么君士坦丁大帝出现前,基督教能获得发展?

    I was going to talk about why did Christianity grow before Constantine ?

  6. 君士坦丁基督教政策与政教关系初探我国特殊教育行政决策

    Constantine 's Christian Policy and Church-State Relation Administration and Policies in special Education

  7. 君士坦丁大帝还想停止,这场关于正统基督教的斗争。

    Constantine also wanted to stop all this feuding about what was orthodox Christianity .

  8. 第二天,君士坦丁的军队虽然远比敌人少,却打了胜仗。

    The next day , Constantine won the battle although his troops were heavily outnumbered .

  9. 我还以为君士坦丁大帝是个基督徒。

    I thought Constantine was a christian .

  10. 布克哈特和他的文化史研究&以《君士坦丁大帝时代》为中心

    Jacob Burckhardt And His Cultural History

  11. 君士坦丁是罗马帝国末年有作为的皇帝,也是帝国后期屈指可数的保持帝国统一和稳定的皇帝。

    Constantine was a great emperor who kept the Empire unification and stability in Roman history .

  12. 君士坦丁和对面的家伙开战,胜利了。

    Constantine went to war with the other guy on the other side , and he won .

  13. 历任罗马皇帝都高度关注宗教问题,君士坦丁也不例外。

    Every Roman emperor was deeply concerned with religious issues , and the Constantine I was no exception .

  14. 在位期间,君士坦丁进行了多方面改革,值得我们注意的是他的军事改革。

    During his reign , he underwent reform in many fields , but his military reform was noticeable .

  15. 君士坦丁以前,毫无疑问,基督徒的道德是高于一般异教徒的。

    The morals of the Christians , before Constantine , were undoubtedly very superior to those ofaverage pagans .

  16. 这也是当时最终一次迫害,因为君士坦丁一世不久就掌权就任并在313年将基督教合法化。

    This persecution was to be the last , as Constantine I soon came into power and in313 legalized Christianity .

  17. 东派教会以君士坦丁保为中心,西派教会以罗马为中心。

    Paul Church in the East as the center of Constantine , the Roman Church of the West as the center .

  18. 纵深防御战略源自君士坦丁大帝的军事改革,成为拜占庭帝国基本的军事战略。

    Defense-in-depth strategy from the military reforms of Constantine the Great , which is basic military strategy of the Byzantine Empire .

  19. 从奥古斯都到君士坦丁,罗马军队与帝位擅递之间的关系,是研究罗马帝国历史的重要内容。

    The relation between Roman army and emperors ' succession plays an important role from Augustus to Constantine in Roman history .

  20. 330年,皇帝君士坦丁把帝国首都从罗马迁至古代的黑海城拜占庭,更名为君士坦丁堡。

    In 330 , the Emperor Constantine had transferred the Empire 's capital from Rome to the ancient Black Sea city of Byzantium , renamed Constantinople .

  21. 对死亡的君士坦丁和受影响的说,皇帝的儿子的名字,他已经恢复他的人。

    On the death of Constantine , and by the influence of that emperor 's son and namesake , he had been restored to his people .

  22. 公元330年,君士坦丁一世把王座由罗马移到小镇拜占庭,后来移至君士坦丁堡。

    In 330 AD , Emperor Constantine moved the seat of power from Rome to the small town of Byzantium and then transformed it into Constantinople .

  23. 所以人们争议了几个世纪什么才是正统,直到四世纪初,君士坦丁大帝,他的皇朝延续了很长时间。

    So you have debates about orthodoxy for centuries , but it 's with Constantine in the beginning of the fourth century , and he had a long dynasty .

  24. 为什么基督教在君士坦丁大帝之前能发展,是很多历史学家至今仍在争议的一个热点问题,大家对此有什么问题吗?

    The question of why Christianity grew before then is a hot one that a lot of historians are even right now debating Are there any questions about that ?

  25. 第四天,采用了曾在扎阿恰和君士坦丁①的办法,打穿了房屋,从屋顶上攻进去,才攻克了街垒。

    On the fourth , they did as at Zaatcha , as at Constantine , they pierced the houses , they came over the roofs , the barricade was taken .

  26. 君士坦丁主要是出于政治上的考虑对教会进行了大力的扶植,还通过干预教会内部争论逐步控制了教会。

    Out of the political concerns , Contantine gave vigourou support to the church and mangaged to gain control of it gradually through intervention in the disputes within the church .

  27. 到四世纪,我的内容差不多就讲完了,因为在四世纪,君士坦丁大帝胜利了。

    The fourth century , then , brings us to basically where I 'm going to stop , because it 's in the fourth century that you have the triumph of Constantine .

  28. 通过确立耶稣神性的手段,君士坦丁把耶稣变成了一个超脱于人类世界、权力不容侵犯的神。

    By officially endorsing Jesus as the Son of God , Constantine turned Jesus into a deity who existed beyond the scope of the human world , an entity whose power was unchallengeable .

  29. 君士坦丁在位期间,从经济、政治、军事和宗教等方面推行一系列新政策,以图振兴罗马帝国。

    During the regime of him , Constantine I made efforts on promoting a series of economic , political , military and religious new policies , expecting to reestablish the empire of Rome .

  30. 被命名为某物的人名;君士坦丁堡与君士坦丁一世齐名。在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。

    The name of a person for whom something is supposedly named ; Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople . In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors .