
  • 网络LUC;Jean-Luc
  1. 商业地产已落后于其他行业结构调整,但这种情况正在改变,说吕克Despins,为律师事务所的保罗黑斯廷斯全球重组业务的椅子。

    Commercial real estate has lagged other sectors in restructuring , but that is changing , said Luc Despins , chair of the global restructuring practice for law firm Paul Hastings .

  2. 吕克:我不敢相信自己的耳朵。

    Luc : I can 't believe my ears .

  3. 在这些电影界先驱中,让-吕克戈达尔(Jean-LucGodard)和弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(FrançoisTruffaut)是最伟大的。

    Among those pioneers of the Jean Rose were such great Fran ç ois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard .

  4. 盲人吕克:我要驾机飞中国

    The Blind Belgian : I Would Fly My Plane to China

  5. 他们正在吕克昂学府举办新的展览。

    They 're putting on a new show at the lyceum .

  6. 吕克贝松就只能这样了吗?

    Is that all Luc Besson can do ?

  7. 吕克:不要再装傻了。

    Luc : Stop playing innocent with me .

  8. 吕克:她说,她打电话是想让你回复星期六的聚会。

    Luc : She said she was calling to RSVP for our party this Saturday .

  9. 吕克:你永远都想不到今天谁打来电话,而且她还留了语音信息。

    Luc : You 'll never guess who called and left a voicemail message today .

  10. 如在吕克酒店的烛光里。

    In Rick 's candle-lit cafe .

  11. 还记得17年前吕克。贝松1994年电影《这个杀手不太冷》里面那个早熟的小女孩吗?

    Do you still remember the precocious little girl in Luc Besson 's Leon ( 1994 ) 17 years ago ?

  12. 著名法国导演吕克-贝松带着新作《阿黛拉的非凡冒险》回归,并预计于周二席卷中国票房。

    Famed French director Luc Besson returns with The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec , scheduled to hit Chinese theaters Tuesday .

  13. 吕克:你说过再也不和她说话了,难道不是吗?更别说请她来我们家了。

    Luc : And didn 't you say that you 'd never speak to her again much less invite her over to our house ?

  14. 吕克:我没有把握,但是上个月你不是跟芭芭拉长时间激烈地争吵过吗?

    Luc : Correct me if I 'm wrong , but didn 't you and Barbara have a knock-down , drag-out fight last month ?

  15. 我的首部戏剧《格斯的囊肿》在吕克昂剧院上演时,他身穿燕尾服,戴着防毒面具参加了首演。

    When my first play , A Cyst for Gus , was produced at the Lyceum , he attended opening night in tails and a gas mask .

  16. 据《今日美国》报道,诺贝尔医学奖周一公布。发现艾滋病病毒的法国研究者吕克-蒙塔尼和弗朗索瓦丝-巴尔-西诺西。

    According to the USA Today , the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday to Luc Montagnier and Francoise Barre-Sinoussi of France for discovering the AIDS virus .

  17. 让-吕克•梅朗松的提议就比较微妙,因为他针对的不是英语作为官方语言的能力,而是工作语言。

    Jean-Luc M é lenchon 's proposal is subtler because the European MP is targeting English not in its capacity as an official language , but as a working language .

  18. 左翼总统候选人让•吕克•梅朗松支持把英语从欧盟协议中去除,他个人认为英语不能再是欧洲议会“第三大工作语言”了。

    Left-wing presidential candidate Jean-Luc M é lenchon , who supports moving away from European treaties , has , for his part , said that English can no longer be " the third working language " of the European Parliament .

  19. 作为《第五元素》(1997)和《玩命速递》系列电影(2002-2008)的导演,吕克•贝松以执导动作惊悚片而闻名,其影片拥有丰富的视觉效果、探讨人性和人类潜力的极限。

    With films such as The Fifth Element ( 1997 ) and The Transporter ( 2002-2008 ) series under his belt , French director Luc Besson is known for making action thrillers that are visually rich and touch on human nature and the limits of our potential .