
  1. 委员会将于六月向议会提交最后的报告。

    The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June .

  2. 内阁须向议会负责。

    The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly .

  3. 我们有向议会报告的法定义务。

    We had a statutory duty to report to Parliament .

  4. 英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。

    Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal

  5. 因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。

    The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament .

  6. 财政大臣明天将向议会提出预算案。

    The chancellor of exchequer will present his budget to Parliament tomorrow .

  7. 抗议是由于希腊总理乔治•帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)向议会请求通过痛苦的经济改革措施。

    The protests came as the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou appealed to parliament to push through painful economic reforms .

  8. 在英国,戴维思勋爵(lordmervyndavies)将于下月向议会提交一份计划,拟将公司董事会的女性代表比例提高到50%。

    In the UK next month Lord Mervyn Davies will present a plan to parliament to take female representation on corporate boards to 50 per cent .

  9. 我可以报告,英国目前的增长速度快于其他任何大型发达经济体,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)在向议会作秋季预算报告(AutumnStatement)时表示,比正在收缩的法国快。

    I can report that Britain is currently growing faster than any other major advanced economy , George Osborne , UK chancellor , said in his Autumn Statement to parliament . Faster than France , which is contracting .

  10. 2010年6月26日,美国总统奥巴马表示,将于11月访韩前解决与韩国自由贸易协定有关的争端,并将于明年年初向议会提交韩美FTA的批准案。

    On June , 26,2010 , the American president expressed that the disputes about the Korea-US FTA would be settled in November before the visit to Korea and will submit the approving draft to the congress early next year .

  11. “让军方领导人向议会简要汇报情况是一个极其罕见的举措,”军事历史学家哈桑阿斯卡里里兹维(hasanaskaririzvi)表示。

    " This is a highly rare step to have military leaders come to brief the parliament , " said Hasan askari Rizvi , a military historian .

  12. 英国预算责任办公室(obr)的独立性受到质疑,这是合理的;只有让该机构直接向议会报告,才能解决这个问题。

    The independence of the office of budget responsibility has rightly been called into question ; a matter that can only be addressed by its reporting directly to Parliament .

  13. 周四向议会提交的紧急报告中,环境副部长RobertoMenia表示,最多在70个小时之内,浮油就会抵达亚得里亚海。

    In an urgent report to parliament on Thursday , environment undersecretary Roberto Menia said the oil slick would reach the Adriatic within a of 70 hours .

  14. 在向议会发表的讲话中,吉拉尼表示,他已要求三军情报局(isi)局长艾哈迈德舒亚帕夏(ahmedshujapasha)将军和其它军方领导人向议会上下两院简要汇报情况。

    In an address to parliament , Mr Gilani said he had ordered general Ahmed Shuja Pasha , head of the inter services intelligence agency , and other military leaders to brief both houses of Parliament .

  15. 周二晚些时候,内政部长罗伯托-马罗尼(RobertoMaroni)向议会上院发表讲话。他赞扬了卡拉布里亚区南部Rosarno地区安全力量的工作。上周,非洲农田工作人员在这里引发了暴动。

    Addressing the upper house of the Italian parliament late Tuesday , Interior Minister Roberto Maroni praised the work of the security forces in the southern Calabrian town of Rosarno , where African farm workers ed in the streets last week .

  16. 我将向议会请求将你革职。

    I 'm recommending that you be removed from duty .

  17. 国会议员应该向议会反映该区选民的意见。

    A Congressman should echo the opinions of his constituency .

  18. 他就得向议会里的高级皮椅说拜拜了。

    He can kiss that fancy leather chair at the Capitol goodbye .

  19. 上千名抗议者抗议政府削减开支,并向议会进发。

    Thousands of protestors enraged with authoritative cutbacks and marched on parliament .

  20. 让我们向议会的雄狮表达挂念和祈祷。

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the lion of the Senate .

  21. 但预计很快就会向议会通报某些措施。

    But you can expect something to be announced to parliament very soon .

  22. 演讲者鼓动群众拥向议会去提要求。

    The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their demands .

  23. 总理向议会发表讲话以安抚人心。

    The prime minister addressed parliament to calm nerves .

  24. 他们向议会提出了一项计划。

    They submitted a plan to the city council .

  25. 这是普京就任总统以来第三次向议会两院发表国情咨文。

    This is Putin 's third Presidential Address to the two parliaments since his appointment .

  26. 在11月18日,图斯克向议会提交了一份充斥着大胆改革的计划书。

    His programme , presented to parliament on November18th , was studded with daring reforms .

  27. 对于某些贷款的管理问题,他并没有向议会提出详细的报告。

    Concerning the management of certain long he didn 't furnish detailed reports to the legislature .

  28. 他可以温和地批评某一官员,也可以向议会建议修改某条法律。

    He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered .

  29. 意大利内政部长马罗尼说,下星期他将就此次暴力事件向议会发表讲话。

    Italy 's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni says he will address parliament in the coming week about the violence .

  30. 课税委员会向议会的本届会议提出了第一套正式的税法提案。

    The Ways and Means made its first formal proposals on tax legislation for the current session of Congress .