
  1. 汉代名田宅制与田宅逾制论说

    On the System of Ming-tian-zhai and Exceeding the Standard of the Farmhouse System in Han Dynasty

  2. 文帝以后,基本放弃了汉初以来的名田宅制度。

    After Emperor Wen , the system of granting homestead had basically stopped since the beginning of Han Dynasty .

  3. 不论是井田制还是名田制,都是根据一定的身份等级占有田宅。

    The ming-tian system is similar to the square-fields system in possessing farmland and curtilage according to one 's title .

  4. 名田宅体现了农对系于其名下的田地负有的向官府交纳赋税、服役的责任;

    Farmers ' names were attached to their land as a standard for their responsibilities with regard to taxes and services ;

  5. 与此相应,井田制下的禄田可以为同一家族世代享用,因而相对稳定;名田制下的田宅,由于爵位的降等继承而有较大的流动性。

    Under the square-fields system , the farmland as salary was stable and could run in the family because the aristocratic titles were hereditary .

  6. 该名农夫在玉米田看到一艘太空船在离地十米处盘旋着。

    In the corn field the farmer could see a space ship hover about ten meters from the ground .