
tónɡ yè ɡōnɡ huì
  • trade association;guild;trade guild;trade organization
  1. 民国后期的武汉手工业与同业公会(1940-1949)

    The Handicraft and Trade Association of Wuhan in Late Republic of China ( 1940-1949 )

  2. 摘要工商同业公会是中国近代城镇重要的行业性组织。

    The industrial-commercial trade association was an important trade association in Chinese town during mordern times .

  3. 我属于主管酒水的男仆同业公会。

    I belong to a guild of wine butlers .

  4. 同业公会价格协调机制包括价格制定或产生机制、执行机制以及处罚机制。

    Price coordination mechanism included making , implementation and punishment mechanism .

  5. 拟订工业同业公会章程草案。

    Draw out the draft of articles for industrial board of trade .

  6. 近代中国同业公会的传统特色

    Trade Forum Trade Opportunities Traditional Characteristics of Chinese Trade Association in Modern Times

  7. 郴州与台湾台北旅行商业同业公会成功签订了旅游合作协议。

    Chenzhou and Taipei Association of Travel Agents signed a tourism cooperation agreement .

  8. 试论民国时期苏州丝绸业同业公会

    On the Same Trade Alliance of Suzhou Silk Industry in the Republic China Period

  9. 同业公会视阈下的晋商会馆制度安排

    The Institutional Arrangements of Jin Merchants ' Guild Hall Based on the Trade Association

  10. 经营加油站业者,应加入当地加油站商业同业公会。

    Gasoline station operators are required to join the local gasoline station commercial association .

  11. 这在计算机同业公会中是众所周知的。

    It 's well-known amongst the computing fraternity .

  12. 从旧式行会组织发展到新式工商同业公会,价格一直都是同业组织章程和业规中重要的内容。

    Price was one of the key contents in trade association articles and rules .

  13. 三是发挥保险同业公会的协调力量,加强信息沟通及培训工作;

    Enhancing the coordinative ability of insurance professional unions for information share and training work ?

  14. 非洲天然橡胶同业公会

    Professional Association of Natural Rubber in Africa

  15. 不过劳资纠纷一般都由工会和同业公会协调解决。

    Labor disputes generally by the trade unions and trade associations to solve the problem .

  16. 民国商会与同业公会关系探析以19291949年的成都市为例

    Analysis of Relation Between Chamber of Commerce and Trade Guild During the Republic of China

  17. 近代中国行会到同业公会的制度变迁历程及其方式

    On the Transformation of the System and Way of Chinese Trade Association in Modern Times

  18. 县(市)商业同业公会。

    County or city commercial trade council .

  19. 全国工商联烘焙业公会商会,同业公会:银行家和商人增加共同商业利益的协会。

    Board of trade : an association of bankers and business people to promote common commercial interests .

  20. 民国时期成都同业公会的行业管理

    The Professional Administration System of Industrial and Commercial Guilds in Chengdu in the Republic Period of China

  21. 民国时期成都工商同业公会研究

    Research on the Industrial and Commercial Trade Associations of Chengdu in the Period of the Republic of China

  22. 伦敦贴现市场同业公会

    London Discount Market association

  23. 理发师&外科医生同业公会

    The guild of barber-surgeons

  24. 试论民国时期杭州电织业同业公会的现代性

    On the Modernity of the Same Trade Alliance of Hangzhou Electrical Weaving Industry in the Republic of China Period

  25. 为了达到这一目的,政府主导下的新药同业公会进行了改革。

    Under the guidance of the government , Western Medicine Association reformed , In order to achieve this purpose .

  26. 第10条(发起组织)商业同业公会发起组织,应报经主管机关许可。

    Article 10 The establishment and organization of commercial trade council should be reported to competent authorities for approval .

  27. 随着同业公会研究的深入,各地区、各行业的同业公会受到越来越多的关注。

    With the in-depth study of association , various localities and sectors of trade Associations attracted more and more attention .

  28. 第三章主要论述近代苏州壅业同业公会对近代苏州城市环境卫生建设的推动作用。

    Chapter III focuses on the role of Suzhou Dung Association in promoting the public health of the modern Suzhou .

  29. 总的看来,同业公会制度是诱导性制度变迁与强制性制度变迁融合体。

    In a word , the Trade Association system was the combo of inductivity system transformation and compelling system transformation .

  30. 旅店业同业公会研究最近几年开始受到关注,但研究比较薄弱。

    Association study of hotel industry began to receive attention in recent years , but studies about association is very simple .