
  • 网络cheeseburger;Cheese burger
  1. 好,一个吉士汉堡和一杯可乐,总共13块。

    OK . A cheeseburger and a coke . It 's thirteen yuan in all .

  2. 我要一个吉士汉堡。

    I want a cheeseburger , please .

  3. 您还要点其他的吗?我们吉士汉堡今天特价。

    Would you like anything else ? We have a special on cheeseburgers today .

  4. 否定派关注的显著困难包括:中国消费者不喜欢洋快餐、不吃奶制品(比如吉士汉堡中的奶酪)、承受不起价格,而最大的问题就是政府会不会批准洋快餐进入中国经营。

    The naysayers focused on the obvious challenges : Chinese consumers don 't like western fast food , can 't eat dairy products like the cheese in cheeseburgers , can 't afford the prices , and the big question of whether the government would even allow western fast food operators into China .