
  • Gigi
  1. 吉吉.哈迪德为她在《VogueItalian》(《时尚》杂志意大利版)封面所呈现的造型道歉。

    Gigi Hadid has apologised for her appearance on the cover of Vogue Italia .

  2. 从那时起,他们二人就无处不在,在《Vogue》杂志上做宣传(这篇文章称这位前OneDirection成员是吉吉的“现实男友”),一起参加大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚会,总之他们非常恩爱。

    From there , the duo were everywhere , doing a spread in Vogue ( the piece refers to the former One Direction member as Gigi 's " real-life boyfriend " ) , attending the Met Gala together and overall just being extremely lovey-dovey .

  3. 我曾和小狗鲁鲁决斗,因为它抢了猫咪吉吉的小鱼

    Ionce dueled with puppy LuLu , because she robbed Ktten JiJi of a fish .

  4. 吉吉·哈迪德(GigiHadid)大概可以昂首挺胸擦亮天使翅膀了,在即将到来的维多利亚的秘密内衣秀(Victoria’sSecretFashionShow)中,吉吉的加入已经毋庸置疑。

    Gigi Hadid can go ahead and dust off her angel wings , because she 's confirmed to walk in the upcoming Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show .

  5. 不过,吉吉通过Instagram发表了一份声明,她解释道,她对最终版的照片没有控制权,她承认时尚行业存在差异化的问题。

    But Gigi has explained she had no control over the final image and she acknowledges there are issues regarding diversity in the fashion industry in a statement posted on Instagram .

  6. 几年前,卡塔尔球探来到非洲后,测试了成百上千名13岁的男孩,而绰号吉吉(Jiji)的让·朱尔就是其中之一。

    A few years earlier , Jean Jules ( known as Jiji ) was among the hundreds of thousands of 13-year-old boys screened by Aspire scouts when they came to Africa .

  7. 尽管她的名字没有出现在上周公布的维密名单中,但是据了解,本周一吉吉出入了维密公司。吉吉入选几天后得到确实消息,妹妹贝拉·哈迪德(BellaHadid)也将登上维密大秀。

    While the model 's name wasn 't in the Victoria 's Secret official line up ( released last week ) , Hadid was spotted leaving the brand 's offices on Monday . Gigi will walk alongside her sister , Bella Hadid , who confirmed her participation a few days back .

  8. 从没人声称解救了吉吉。

    We have never heard from anyone claiming to have rescued Gigi .

  9. 吉吉所坐的那个后座的门有被撬开的痕迹。

    The backseat door that Gigi sat by had been completely torn off its hinges .

  10. 尤文图斯的守门员吉吉。布丰坚持,这个夏天电话门调查员将他们当成了替罪羊。

    Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon insists they were made a scapegoat in the summer by Calciopoli investigators .

  11. 与此同时,尤文图斯正在寻防第二守门员作为吉吉·冯替补。

    In the meantime , Juventus are searching for a second goalkeeper as a back-up for Gigi Buffon .

  12. 她是吉吉住在波士顿富兰克林动物园的母猩猩。

    This is Gigi . She 's a gorilla that lives at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston .

  13. 如果比赛中看不到吉吉-布冯的身影,我会说我们踢得很好。

    When I see Gigi Buffon disappear from a match , I 'll say we are doing well .

  14. 国际米兰的莫老大准备用两个年长的球员交换尤文图斯的守门员吉吉。布丰。

    Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti is ready to offer two senior players to Juventus for goalkeeper Gigi Buffon .

  15. 帕维尔。内德维德已经催促尤文图斯要尽他们的全力说服吉吉。布丰在下赛季留守。

    Pavel Nedved has urged Juventus to do all they can to convince Gigi Buffon to stay next season .

  16. 现在,因为和20岁的美国模特、真人秀明星吉吉•哈迪德的恋情,美渣又成了大众关注的焦点。

    Now , he 's getting attention for his relationship with 20-year-old US model and reality TV star Gigi Hadid .

  17. 吉姆晚上诚心诚意地带着吉吉出去散步,但小狗总是无精打采的,呜呜叫着,无限凄凉。

    Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully , but the little dog just drooped , whining and miserable .

  18. 本周,拉齐奥1号门将安吉洛。佩鲁齐宣布他将退役后,尤文图斯门将吉吉。布冯称他为一名真正伟大的门将!

    Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon has described Angelo Peruzzi as a true great after the Lazio No1 announced his retirement this week .

  19. 吉吉总是把它的宝贝藏在它的玩具箱里,它非常执着地要把玩具都存放在箱子里。

    Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box .

  20. 不过,一家报纸已经指出吉吉是瑞士的俚语,意思是香烟。

    However , one new aper has already pointed out that " Zigi " is a slang word in the Swi German dialect for " cigarette " .

  21. 秧苗素质方面稻吉吉种衣剂处理各项指标均表现最高,其中干物质积累和茎基宽量分别高31.58%和16.3%。

    All items of seedling quality were superior in seed coating treatment and the dry matter accumulation and stem base width was31.58 % and16.3 % higher than control .

  22. 今天,微博上有关贝拉和吉吉入选今年在上海举办的维密秀的新闻炒得沸沸扬扬。

    News about Bella and Gigi Hadid 's selection to walk the runway in the upcoming Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show in Shanghai is trending on Weibo today .

  23. 玛丽或吉姆会去地下室找到吉吉的玩具箱,里面存放的宝贝都是吉吉最爱的玩具。

    Mary or Jim would go to Lucky 's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be , amid all of Lucky 's other favorite toys .

  24. 联合新闻社说,国际货币基金会执行理事会主席柯勒在华盛顿和南韩财政经济部长官田允?吉吉?会谈时,提及邀请北韩参加明年年会之事。

    Yonhap news agency said IMF Managing Director Horst Kohler mentioned imf 's invitation to North Korea to attend next year 's annual conference when Kohler was meeting South Korea finance-economy minister Jeon Yun-churl in washington .

  25. 新闻称这对夫妇又在一起了,但“绝对不会复合”。“考虑到吉吉在假期里为泽恩妈妈做了炸鸡,也许2020年将是他们的一年?”

    News that the couple was speaking again , but " definitely not getting back together . " Considering Gigi made Zayn 's mom 's chicken over the holidays , maybe 2020 will be their year ?

  26. 文字图案吉字吉语,使饮者愉快。

    Characters and patterns are lucky characters and speech , and drinkers are pleasant .

  27. 她又对大女儿说:我的好吉英亲吉英,我太高兴了!

    Then addressing her daughter , Oh ! my dear , dear Jane , I am so happy !

  28. 德丽莎觉得象有一团火掠过了她的脸,她望了望罗吉,罗吉不得不表示同意。

    Teresa felt a flush pass over her face ; she looked at Luigi , who could not refuse his assent .

  29. 伊丽莎白静悄悄地走出去了,吉英和吉蒂跟着也走了出去,只有丽迪雅站在那儿不动,正要听听他们谈些什么。

    Elizabeth passed quietly out of the room , Jane and Kitty followed , but Lydia stood her ground , determined to hear all she could ;

  30. 奥兰斯卡夫人又用手理了下头发,喊了一声表示同意的话“吉啊——吉啊”紧接着,圣奥斯特雷公爵便走了进来,身后跟着一位身材高大的夫人,她头戴黑色假发与红色羽饰,身穿紧绷绷的裘皮外套。

    Madame Olenska , again with a hand at her hair , uttered an exclamation of assent -- a flashing " Gia -- gia " -- and the Duke of St. Austrey entered , piloting a tremendous blackwigged and red-plumed lady in overflowing furs .