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  • 网络guitar hero;Guitar Hero World Tour
  1. 在《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)和《摇滚乐队》(RockBand)游戏中,音符从手机萤幕上方涌出,让你按照节奏击打它们。

    As in Guitar Hero or Rock Band , notes stream down the screen and you have to hit them on the beat .

  2. 像《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)这类视频游戏也用到了MIDI技术,而拉斯维加斯的百乐宫喷泉(BellagioFountain)和《金银岛海盗》表演(TreasureIslandPirate)也不例外。

    Video games like guitar hero boast MIDI technology , as do the Bellagio fountainand Treasure Island pirate shows on the Las Vegas Strip .

  3. (这是Tapulous游戏公司又一次盗用了《吉他英雄》,随后,该公司推出音乐游戏《TapTapRevolution》,成为iPhone上首个大热的游戏。)

    ( then again , it was Tapulous that stole guitar hero first , making tap tap revolution into the first major iPhone gaming hit . )

  4. 2007年,科蒂克斥资1亿美元收购了《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)——在该游戏中,玩家扮成弗雷迪墨丘利(FreddieMercury),弹起可以连接所有主要品牌游戏机的塑料吉他。

    He picked up Guitar Hero - in which players put themselves in the shoes of Freddie Mercury , sporting plastic guitars that plug in to all major brands of console - for $ 100m in 2007 .

  5. 麦克:不想过来看我新买的吉他英雄游戏吗?

    Mike : Want to come see my new Guitar Hero game ?

  6. 玩过“吉他英雄”吗?

    Serena : Ever play " Guitar Hero " ?

  7. 很棒!未来的中国吉他英雄。

    Nice ! New guitar hero in China .

  8. 所以我没有谈及像吉他英雄这样的游戏。

    This is why I haven 't included games like Guitar Hero in this article .

  9. 我想你忘了我玩吉他英雄时无敌的技巧

    Serena : I think you forgot to mention my superior " Guitar Hero " skills .

  10. 珍娜翻出了“吉他英雄”咱们该集体反对了

    Jenna just brought out " Guitar hero . " It might be time to mutiny .

  11. 如果您正在寻找一个免费的吉他英雄克隆,在消防品数可适应法案。

    If you are looking for a free Guitar Hero clone , Frets On Fire may fit the bill .

  12. 他说,这些天他只钟情偶合和孩子们晚上一盘“吉他英雄”。

    These days , he admits , he only indulges in the odd bout of " Guitar Hero " with his children .

  13. 如果你熟悉《舞蹈革命》、《吉他英雄》,那么《音乐节奏》的游戏机制你也一定不会陌生。

    If you 're familiar with Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero , then you should be no stranger to Cytus " gameplay mechanisms .

  14. 玩“吉他英雄”的话,没问题,我比她强多了,刚刚你也看到。

    You know , with " Guitar Hero , " okay . I 'm way more awesome , if you didn 't happen to notice .

  15. 我刚好很喜欢“吉他英雄”老兄你找错人了

    Well , I just I happen to like " Guitar hero . " So you , my friend , are barking up the wrong tree .

  16. 很明显地,他谈到利用“暴风雪”的技术来向亚洲市场推行“吉他英雄”在线版的前景时十分兴奋。

    He is clearly excited at the prospect of using Blizzard 's expertise to launch an online version of " Guitar Hero " for Asian markets .

  17. 这是全美最红的音乐电玩游戏“吉他英雄”的缩微版模型,尽管仅有6英寸长,但你仍然可以摇出各式摇滚乐,其中的歌曲出自皇后乐队、“廉价把戏”、涅磐和警察乐队的专辑。4“厕所高尔夫”

    This miniature version of that mega-hit game is barely 6-inches long but you can still rock out to songs by Queen , Cheap Trick , Nirvana , and The Police .

  18. 两年前威望迪的视频游戏单位(拥有畅销游戏“魔兽世界”)与美国动视(拥有畅销游戏“吉他英雄”)合并组成世界最大的视频游戏公司-动视暴雪。

    Two years ago its video-game unit , which owns " World of Warcraft ", merged with America 's Activision , the maker of " Guitar Hero ", to form Activision Blizzard , the world 's biggest video-game company .