
hé fǎ xínɡ wéi
  • lawful act;legal act;lawful action
  1. 第五十四条民事法律行为是公民或者法人设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的合法行为。

    Article 54 A civil juristic act shall be the lawful act of a citizen or legal person to establish , change or terminate civil rights and obligations .

  2. 海岸警卫队说,它要求中国船只离开日本领海,但船员坚持他们在中国海域内进行“合法行为”,并敦促海岸警卫队,而不是离开。

    The coast guard said it urged the Chinese ships to leave Japanese waters , but the crews insisted they were conducting " a lawful act " within Chinese waters and urged the coast guard instead to leave .

  3. 其中行为的违法性(侵害行为)是构成环境侵权的前提,因为合法行为不能引起民事责任的产生。

    Among of them injurious act is the prerequisite of environmental tort .

  4. 民事法律行为仅为合法行为吗?

    About the legality of acts in civil law ?

  5. 他们以合法行为相威胁迫使支付。

    They enforced payment by threats of legal action .

  6. 一种属于合法行为和议会的行动的方式。

    A mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings .

  7. 联邦最高法院的荒谬裁决让政治贿赂成为合法行为。

    The Supreme Court ruled the absurd political bribes to become the legal behavior .

  8. 论利用他人的过失和合法行为犯罪的间接正犯

    On the Indirect Criminals by utilization of Negligent Act and Legal Act of Others

  9. 民事法律行为不应以合法行为为其要件。

    Civil juristic act shouldn 't be with its important item in legal behavior .

  10. 在合法行为与违法行为之外,还存在着一种灰色行为。

    There is a sort of ashy behavior between lawful behavior and offence behavior .

  11. 这就是为何离婚被描述为最不受喜的合法行为的原因。

    That is why divorce is described as the most disliked of the permissible practices .

  12. 期待可能性指行为人在行为当时做出合法行为的可能性。

    Expectation possibility refers to the possibility that man makes lawful deed while he is acting .

  13. 但是,一个自由国家怎么能认为禁止私营酒馆允许一种合法行为是正当的呢?

    But how can a free country justify banning a private club from permitting a lawful activity ?

  14. 但是同时也受到在合法行为下干涉他国内政的质疑。

    But it is also questioned by the " legitimate " acts of interference in the internal affairs .

  15. 合法行为,指不违反法律且完全符合法律的行为,对于侵占行为中代为保管中的两种事实行为不当得利、无因管理的界定,只有用适法行为才可以合理地涵盖之;

    The legal possession refers to the behavior which does not violate the law and meet the legal requirement .

  16. 避税是一种合法行为,但违反国家政策取向和立法本意。

    Tax avoidance is a lawful action , but against the national political orientation and the original intention of legislation .

  17. 因为,对违法性要件的排除,有可能使合法行为也受到法律的追究。

    It is possible to make legitimate behavior is also subject to legal prosecution if we exclude the illegal elements .

  18. 银行家们普遍利用信息优势并规避监管,合法行为与犯罪行为之间的界线可能是模糊的。

    Bankers generally exploit information advantages and dodge regulations , and the lines between legitimate and criminal can be blurry .

  19. 只要存在不同的财政体系且避税属于合法行为,税收套利就不会消亡。

    Tax arbitrage will survive as long as there are different fiscal systems , and tax avoidance is not against the law .

  20. 第一点是维护社会正义的法律义务,第二点是保护自身利益的合法行为。

    Here the first thing is a legal obligation to maintain social justice while the second is to protect one 's personal interests .

  21. 行政补偿是行政机关的合法行为对相对人合法权益造成损害给予弥补的一项法律制度。

    Administrative Recuperation is a kind of legal system for compensate when legal administrative behaviors harm the counterpart 's lawful rights and interests .

  22. 这些融资方式都需要完善相关法律法规,以对不合法行为进行限制和引导,对合法融资行为加以保护。

    These ways of financing are need to improve relevant laws and regulations to restrict and guide illegal behavior , protect legal financing activities .

  23. 与此同时,新疆当地政府的立场非常坚定,它表示退学是合法行为,并对国内媒体的不准确报道进行谴责。

    Meanwhile , authorities in Xinjiang are standing firm , saying the dismissals were legal and blaming opposition on inaccurate reporting by domestic media .

  24. 中国国防部称,中国海军在钓鱼岛海域附近活动是合法行为,并谴责日本派遣军用飞机的行为。

    China 's Ministry of Defense says its navy 's activities around the DiaoyuIslands are legitimate , condemning Japanese military aircraft 's presence there .

  25. 此次审判未对媒体开放,但夫妇二人表示,他们一直以为获取其中许多记录属合法行为。

    The trial was closed to the news media , but the couple said they had believed that obtaining many of the records was legal .

  26. 方案中仲裁者写下保证书保证在解决纠纷时执行合法行为,保障了仲裁者的公平性。

    In the scheme , adjudicator signs a guarantee to ensure his valid behaviors when resolving conflicts , so that action of adjudicator is guaranteed .

  27. 根据联邦法律,因人们的性取向而拒绝他们入住,依然属于合法行为。联邦法律并没有禁止基于性取向的歧视。

    It is still legal to deny Americans housing because of their sexual orientation under federal law , which does not prohibit discrimination based on sexuality .

  28. 为了实现减轻税收负担甚至排除税收负担的目的,纳税主体的行为取向也会有所不同,既可借助合法行为来实现上述目的,也有采取违法行为铤而走险的。

    Taxpayers would try to adopt the rational and legal methods or the irrational and illegal behavior in order to reduce or even eliminate tax burden .

  29. 该账号的主页上写着:请支持这个女孩,她在非洲猎杀动物是合法行为,却因上传这些照片受到人们的攻击。

    ' Support this teenage girl who was attacked for posting pictures of her game that she legally harvested while in Africa , ' reads the page .

  30. 我国《民法通则》将民事法律行为界定为合法行为,这容易导致人们对民法学理论认识的混乱。

    The Civil Law of China defines civil justice act as legal act , which may lead to confusion in the theories of the science of civil law .