
  • 网络Namaste;Namaskar
  1. 再会,合十礼,我是穆罕默德。

    Salu and Namaste , I AM Mohammed .

  2. 如果你不听见合十礼就不能放松,住在瑜伽馆边上。

    If you cant unwind until you hear namaste , stay near a yoga studio .

  3. 今年4月,在纽约的日本协会(JapanSociety),她穿着象牙白的裙子,脚着银色高跟鞋,走上舞台,向观众做合十礼,在PPT展示屏幕下站好。

    In April at the Japan Society in New York , she mounted a stage in an ivory dress and silver heels , made namaste hands at the audience and took her place beneath the display of a PowerPoint presentation .

  4. 塔库尔一边行着合十礼,一边给我指出舞者中的当地知名人士——有一位银行经理,还有一位铁路官员。

    In between namastes , the thakur points out various local worthies who are part of the line - a bank manager , a railway official .

  5. 安娜:注意你的呼吸,吸气,鼓腹,呼气,收腹,双手合十放于胸前,心怀感激地低下头,合十礼。

    Bring your hands together in front of your chest . Bow your head in gratitude .