
  • 网络clarin;Daily Clarion;Daily Bugle;roll call
  1. 他为“号角报”拍蜘蛛侠的照片。

    He takes pictures of Spider-Man for the bugle .

  2. 我想,许多人是通过我的《熊猫号角报》才开始注意到我的。

    I think a lot of people knew me through my " Panda 's Horn " .

  3. 阿根廷主要日报《号角报》则幸灾乐祸地表示,撒切尔的生命在老年痴呆中走到尽头,她已经被兑了补剂的杜松子酒掏空了身体。

    In Argentina , the leading daily Clarion gloated that Thatcher had ended her days with senile dementia and " suffered the ravages of too many gin and tonics . "