
  • 网络history of historiography;history of history
  1. 近十年清代史学史研究的特色

    The Feature of Historiography of Qing Dynasty in Recent Ten Years

  2. 然而在民国绘画史学史的研究中,对他的研究则近乎是一项空白。

    However , no study of his historiography is given .

  3. 论学术史视野下的史学史研究

    The Chinese Historiography Studies Under the Academic History Fields of Vision

  4. 关于深化西方史学史研究的若干问题

    On deepening the studies of the history of Western history

  5. 关于中国史学史学科基本理论的思考

    Thinking on Basic Theory of the Subject-History of Chinese Historiography

  6. 波里比阿是西方史学史中备受瞩目的一位杰出历史学家。

    Polybius is a high-profile historian in the history of western historiography .

  7. 《中国史学史》课程教学的探索与实践

    On the Teaching and Learning of Chinese History of Historiography

  8. 西方史学史研究中的问题和方法

    Problems and Methods in the Studies of Western Historiography

  9. 中国建筑史学史概说

    An Outline of the History of Chinese Architectural Historiography

  10. 中国史学史学科的产生和发展刍议

    On Emergence and Developments of the Subject & the History of Chinese Historiography

  11. 希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。

    Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography .

  12. 20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究

    Studies of the History of Chinese Historiography by American Scholars in the 20th Century

  13. 科学史学派是中国现代史学史上的一个重要学术派别。

    The scientific history school made an important academic role in Chinese modern historiography .

  14. 作为一门学科,中国史学史是在20世纪20年代产生的。

    As a modern subject , history of Chinese historiography was founded in 1920 's.

  15. 科学史学史述略

    A brief history of the history of Science

  16. 史学史三题

    Three Topics on the History of Chinese Historiography

  17. 论中国史学史学科的产生

    On Emergence of History of Chinese Historiography

  18. 他们的三卷本《中国史学史》,集中反映了他们对中国史学的认识。

    Their three-volume " History of Chinese Historiography ," epitomized their understanding of Chinese historiography .

  19. 中国美学史与中国史学史

    Chinese Aesthetic History and Chinese Historiography

  20. 20世纪的世界史学史

    The History of the Study of World History in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  21. 第二,关于史学史资料的编撰和理论问题的研究。

    The second part is about the study of compilation and theory of the history material .

  22. 近十年来,学术界在清代史学史领域里的研究越来越深入,成绩斐然,成果突出。

    In recent years academia studied the historiography of Qing dynasty more deeply and got striking achievements .

  23. 亚历山大的史学史是通过史料、残篇、记忆、推测之复杂混合而逐渐形成的。

    The historiography of Alexander is a complex mix of evolution through source , memory , speculation .

  24. 文章属于中国哲学史学史的探讨。

    The paper belongs to category of study in history of study in history of Chinese philosophy .

  25. 支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位

    The history textbooks of China and Asia have certain positions in modern Chinese education history and historiography

  26. 中国文学史学史的建构及其发展(上)

    The Construction and Its Development of the History of Chinese Literary History ( to be continued );

  27. 文章也提供了一些从中国哲学史学史的角度来看较为重要的史料。

    The paper also provides some important material from viewpoint of history of study in history of Chinese philosophy .

  28. 困难在于,从史学史的角度,陈述历史观念史,与一般的中国思想史或中国哲学史的分工,如何体现?

    The difficulty lies in how to distinguish it from the intellectual history or the history of Chinese philosophy .

  29. 我们的西方史学史研究应有自己独立的理论、原则和方法。

    Our studies of the history of Western historiography should have our own independent theories , principles and methods .

  30. 孟子的历史总结不仅反映出其丰富的历史知识,而且体现出其历史变化的观点,在中国史学史上有一定的意义。

    His historical summary showed not only his rich historical knowledge , but also his view of the historical change .