
  • 网络Cocoa bean;Cacao;Cacao Beans
可可豆 [kě kě dòu]
  • [cacao;cocoa bean] 可可树的种子

  1. 玛氏还启动了一项为可可豆基因组排序的计划,希望可在5年内完成。

    Mars has also begun a project to sequence the cocoa bean genome , which it hopes to complete within five years .

  2. 可可豆用于制作一些饮料。

    Cocoa bean is used to make some kinds of drink .

  3. 西非是可可豆贸易的中心。

    West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade .

  4. 加纳的主要出口商品是可可豆。

    Ghana 's main export is cocoa .

  5. 那里的工人把可可豆做成美味的巧克力。

    Workers there make cocoa beans into delicious chocolate .

  6. Villajoyosa,Spain西班牙城市Villajoyosa西班牙城市Villajoyosa早在18世纪就与巧克力结缘,当时它开始从委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔进口可可豆。

    Villajoyosa 's chocolate history began in the 18th century when it began importing cocoa beans from Venezuela and Ecuador .

  7. 该公司还宣布,公平贸易(fairtrade)将为旗下dairymilk巧克力中的可可豆提供认证,从而确保农民能获得最起码的价格。

    It has also announced that Fairtrade will certify the cocoa in its dairy milk chocolate , ensuring farmers earn a minimum price .

  8. Crown介绍说,阿纳萨齐吸收了其他来自墨西哥的外来文化,如保留了红色金刚鹦鹉和铜铃铛,但是我们不知道他们是否同样食用可可豆。

    The Anasazi imported other exotic items from Mexico , such as live scarlet macaws and copper bells , but we did not know that they were getting cacao too , says Crown .

  9. 吉百利的可可豆由公平贸易认证,而卡夫与雨林联盟(RainforestAlliance)也有类似的安排。雨林联盟是一家推广可持续农业活动和改善农业工作条件的组织。

    While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .

  10. 卡夫还承诺,到2012年,旗下Cted'Or和Marabou巧克力中的所有可可豆,都将由雨林联盟认证。

    It has pledged that all cocoa in its Cte d'Or and Marabou chocolates will be Rainforest Alliance-certified by 2012 .

  11. 富通银行(FortisBank)分析师在最近的一份报告中称:我们越来越担心产量增长空间正接近上限,因为适合种植可可豆的地区很少。

    Analysts at Fortis Bank said in a recent report : We are becoming more concerned that the scope for production growth is reaching some upper limits , constrained by the paucity of geographic locations suitable for cocoa production .

  12. 在最近总统选举中胜出、得到联合国承认的阿拉萨内瓦塔拉(alassaneouattara)周六致函可可豆出口商,要求它们在2月23日之前停止向海外发货。

    Alassane Ouattara , acknowledged by the UN as the victor in the recent presidential election , sent a letter to cocoa exporters on Saturday ordering them to stop overseas shipments until February 23 .

  13. 加利福尼亚州诺瓦托(Novato)NavitasLLC公司销售的NavitasNaturals系列产品就有脆脆的可可豆或去了壳的可可粒,8盎司一包,售价10美元。

    Navitas Naturals , sold by Navitas LLC , Novato , Calif. , offers crunchy whole beans or nibs ─ beans with the shell removed ─ at $ 10 for an eight-ounce bag .

  14. 玛氏公司旗下业务部门MarsBotanical的研发总监凯瑟琳·奎克·乌里韦(CatherineKwik-Uribe)表示,为了保证CocoVia中黄烷醇的含量,玛氏公司温和加工可可豆,并额外添加通过专利技术萃取的可可黄烷醇。

    To keep the flavanol content high , Mars ' gently ' processes its cocoa ' and adds an extract of cocoa flavanols made with a proprietary process , says Catherine Kwik-Uribe , director of research and development at the Mars Botanical unit .

  15. 在附近的一个仓库,中间商纳兹尔摩洛(nazirmoroe)还有30吨可可豆没有卖出去,在阿比让,两卡车的可可豆在寻找买家。

    In a nearby depot , middleman Nazir moroe has 30 tonnes of unsold cocoa and two trucks of beans in Abidjan in search of a buyer .

  16. 整颗或破碎的可可豆,生的或焙炒的。

    Cocoa beans , whole or broken , raw or roasted .

  17. 我想是可可豆引起的。

    I think it 's from aII those doggone cocoa beans .

  18. 可可豆和巧克力是玛雅文化重要的部分。

    Cacao and chocolate were an important part of Maya culture .

  19. 这一幕并未出现,可可豆价格迅速下跌。

    That never happened , and cocoa prices are dropping fast .

  20. 咖啡豆或可可豆去皮机,工业用

    Husking machine for cocoa beans or coffee beans for industrial use

  21. 可可豆、杏仁和可乐果都是树木的种子。

    Cocoa beans , almonds and kola nuts are tree products .

  22. 应该是吃了太多可可豆吧

    I think it 's from all those doggone cocoa beans .

  23. 随后,他们将豆荚敲开,取出可可豆。

    Later they break open the pods to remove the beans .

  24. 那些可可豆里的是什么脂肪?

    And what about the fat found in the cacao bean ?

  25. 出口:原油,木材,人造板,糖,可可豆。

    EXP : petroleum , lumber , plywood , sugar , cacao .

  26. 半克巧克力需要大约400粒可可豆。

    A half-gram of chocolate requires about four hundred beans .

  27. 的确,可可豆里主要是一些饱和脂肪。

    It 's true that cacao contains some saturated fat .

  28. 他们整天就想着可可豆。

    All they 'd ever think about was cocoa beans .

  29. 我喜欢巧克力和可可豆我们有

    I like chocolate and coconut . We have that .

  30. 或者,直接将生可可豆放进嘴里享受?

    Or take your chocolate straight and chomp on raw cocoa beans .