
  • 网络LOUIS;Louis Koo;Louis Koo Tin Lok;Mr.Cool
  1. 古天乐死在了自己的猜测中。

    Louis Koo died in his own speculation in the .

  2. 古天乐在电影里演一个几近疯狂的瘾君子。

    Louis Koo stars as a desperate drug addict in the film .

  3. 你的根永古天乐最新新闻远扎在坟墓里。

    Thy root is ever in its grave .

  4. “我可以拍喜剧、拍文艺片”,古天乐笑言。

    " I may make the comedy , the racket literary film ", Gutianle smiles the word .

  5. 当被《新民日报》的记者问及这个消息是否属实时,古天乐的经纪人表示:“绝对不是。”

    When asked by Shin Min Daily News if the news was true , he said : " Absolutely not . "

  6. 古天乐近年来片约不断,刚刚拍完《倩女幽魂》又开始出席商业活动。

    Gutianle the piece approximately was in recent years unceasing , just patted " Attractive Female Ghost " starts to attend the trade activity .

  7. 影片开场多线并进,这些故事线看似毫不相干:贩卖人体器官的洪文刚(古天乐饰)正在苦苦寻找心脏捐赠者;

    The film opens with several seemingly disparate storylines : Organ trafficker Hung Man-keung ( Louis Koo ) struggles to find a heart donor ;

  8. 近日,古天乐和宣萱的婚礼传闻在网上引发了轩然大波,但古天乐的经纪人已经出面辟谣。

    The wedding rumours between Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan have set the internet ablaze but Louis ' manager has spoken up to dispel it .

  9. 一位网友参观了10年前古天乐在贵州省遵义市建造的一所学校,却发现它早已被废弃。

    A netizen visited a school that Louis built in the city of Zunyi in Guizhou province 10 years ago ... only to find that it has long been abandoned .

  10. 《新民日报》指出,粉丝们向这对“情侣”送上祝福,希望他们能在一起,但古天乐的经纪人强调,这些谣言并不是真的。

    Shin Min mentioned that fans were sending the ' couple ' their blessings and hoped to see them together , but Louis ' manager emphasised that the rumours " aren 't true . "

  11. 社交媒体网站新浪微博上有传言称,香港演员古天乐和宣萱可能会在今年晚些时候结婚,之后微博上的用户就陷入了狂热追踪状态。

    Social media users on Weibo have gone into a frenzy after rumours surfaced on the social media site that Hong Kong actors Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan could be getting hitched later this year .

  12. 据香港《镜报》报道,48岁的古天乐今年6月购买的游艇不仅是送给他的妈妈,也是为今年晚些时候自己与宣萱(48岁的老朋友兼同事)的婚礼做准备。

    According to Mirror Media , Hong Kong media reported that the yacht which the 48-year-old bachelor bought in June wasn 't just for his mum , but also for his wedding later this year to longtime friend and colleague , Jessica , also 48 .

  13. 《毒战》:这部猫捉老鼠的惊悚片讲述的是一个中国警察(孙红雷饰)不惜一切代价抓获香港毒贩(古天乐饰)的故事。这是一部典型的杜琪峰作品,也是这位香港导演首次为中国内地公司执导电影。

    Drug War : This cat-and-mouse thriller about a Chinese cop ( Sun Honglei ) who will do whatever it takes to nab a Hong Kong drug dealer ( Louis Koo ) , is vintage Johnnie To , a Hong Kong director who is producing his first film for a mainland Chinese company .