
  • 网络classical management;Classical management theory
  1. 论古典管理理论对高校管理的意义

    Influence of Classical Management Theory on the University 's Management System

  2. 泰罗创立的科学管理理论是20世纪初形成于西方的古典管理理论之一,但其是否隐含着人本管理思想?

    Taylor 's scientific management theory is one of the classical management theories in the early 20th century .

  3. 试论古典管理理论的思想前孕

    On the Origins of the Classic Administration Theory

  4. 企业文化产生的理论基础,则是西方的古典管理理论、科学管理理论和人际关系理论。

    The theory base of corporate culture is classically management theory , scientific management theory and human relationship theory .

  5. 管理学由此经历了古典管理理论、新古典管理理论和当代管理理论三个发展阶段。

    The management goes through the following three stages : the classic management theory , the latest classic management theory and the contemporary management theory .

  6. 对组织冲突问题的研究最早是发端西方古典管理理论,国内学者也在上世纪80年代开始涉足这一领域,得出了一些本土化的结论,并达成了一些共识。

    Organization conflict was firstly concerned in western classic management theory . Domestic scholars engage into this field in 1980s and draw out some conclusions and consensus .

  7. 西方管理理论的发展大致经历了以下三个主要阶段,即古典管理理论阶段、行为管理理论阶段、现代管理理论阶段,这一过程本身也是对管理手段正当化的寻求。

    The history of the western management theory includes three main stages approximately . They are the stage of Classical management theory , Behavior management theory and Modern management theory .

  8. 自从泰勒创立科学管理理论开始,管理学理论的发展经历了古典管理理论、行为科学理论等四个发展阶段。

    Since Taylor set up the theory of scientific management , the development of management theory has experienced four stages , such as , ancient theory of management and scientific theory of behavior .

  9. 国际企业文化理论兴起于20世纪80年代初,它克服了以往古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林理论的不足,导致了西方企业界一场意义深刻的革命。

    The theory of foreign enterprise culture originated in the early 1980s . It overcame the limitations of classical management theory , behaviour science management theory , management jungle theory and led to a profound revolution in western enterprises .

  10. 管理生态学是在西方管理学的发展经过了古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林管理理论之后,目前管理学界和管理哲学界正在研究的一个新课题。

    Management ecology , is a new subject for the management circles and management philosophy circles after management theory went through the following theories : " Classic Management Theory " " Behavior-Science Management Theory " and " Jungle Management Theory " .

  11. 我国非政府组织实施人本管理的实然分析与措施探讨在西方,有关人本管理的思想在19世纪末20世纪初的古典管理理论中就可以窥见其雏形。

    The Countermeasure and Practical Analysis of the Enforcement of Human-centered Management in NGO In the west , the thought of human-centered management was formed at the end of the 19th century that we can see in the ancient western theory of management .

  12. 本文以调查资料为依据,通过对实例的剖析,论述了产生管理问题的原因,提出将古典管理理论及近代管理思想运用于当代民营企业管理实践的观点和具有针对性的实施对策。

    By analyzing the practical cases according to the inquisitional data , the author researches the reasons of the problems and suggests the viewpoint of applying the classic management theory and modern management thought to the management of small and medium-sized private enterprises in Zhejiang Province .

  13. 本文试图通过对古典管理理论、行为科学理论以及人本管理思想等管理理论的分析.说明行为控制模式的演变过程,以及行为控制模式对管理理论的形成和发展的影响作用。

    This article attempts to explain the evolution of pattern about control behavioral and to explain its influence to the formation and development of management theory , through the analysis to the theory of the classical management and the theory of behavioral science and the human management .

  14. 古典战略管理理论假设环境相对稳定,或是可测和基本可测的。

    The classic strategic management theory always presumes the circumstances are relatively stable , measurable or generally measurable .

  15. 古典科学管理理论诞生前先驱们所作的探索,为科学管理积累了丰富的思想养料,至今未曾引起管理史家足够重视。

    The explorations , made by those pioneers before the birth of the classic administration theory , have accumulated wealthy original ideas for scientific management , but no enough attention has been paid to those ideas by us historians of administration .

  16. 企业文化理论的形成标志着企业管理从物质的、制度的层面向文化层面发展的趋势,被称为自古典管理以来管理理论发展的第四个阶段。

    The formation of corporate culture scribes the trend of the business enterprise management develop from the material and institutional level to culture level , and is called the fourth stage from manage theories develop since classic management .