
kǒu bēi
  • Word of mouth;public praise;opinions;oral idiom
口碑 [kǒu bēi]
  • (1) [public praise]∶指人们口头上的赞颂

  • (2) [opinions]∶泛指众人的议论;群众的口头传说

  • 百年后,口碑已没,而著作常存

  • (3) [oral idiom]∶亦指社会上流传的口头熟语

  • 口碑流传

口碑[kǒu bēi]
  1. 利用口碑传播,企业可以以少量的市场运作资金来博取较大的产品销售额和利润。

    By " public praise " propagation enterprises obtain more sales and profits with less capital .

  2. 本文首次将感知风险纳入口碑传播效果模型中,并用实证的方法验证感知风险在在线评论各种内在特征与购买决策之间起到中介性的作用。

    This paper will first perceived risk communication effect into public praise in the model , and the empirical research methods validation perceived risk in online comments all kinds of inherent characteristics and purchase decision plays the role of intermediary between .

  3. 我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。

    My products aren 't based on advertising hype , they sell by word of mouth .

  4. 总的说来,她在执法界和老百姓当中口碑甚佳。

    She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general .

  5. 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?

    Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here ?

  6. 这就是为什么很多餐厅开始非常重视网络口碑的营销策略。

    This is why many restaurants have started to put a high value on online word-of-mouth marketing2 .

  7. 影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。

    Written , directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling , Hi , Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release .

  8. 《猎鹰与冬兵》这部剧获得了相当不错的口碑和影迷反响,拿下五项艾美奖提名,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在剧中饰演冬日战士布坎南·巴恩斯。

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier , which also stars Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes , the Winter Soldier , has earned strong critical and fan reaction . It is nominated for five Emmys .

  9. 在2006年,美国联邦贸易委员会(usfederaltradecommission)颁布条例,规定口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

    And in 2006 , the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

  10. 先后任职于H&M和OldNavy的拉尔森,已在预算意识强烈的大众零售业赢得了口碑。

    Mr. Larsson has made his name in budget-conscious mass-retailing , first at H & M and then at Old Navy .

  11. G律师事务所成立于2000年,是天津比较早的一家中小型事务所,在业内具有一定的口碑。

    Law firm G was founded relatively earlier in 2010 , which a small firm in Tianjin with a good reputation in law industry .

  12. 其中在企业实施CRM后的收益分析考虑了CRM的实施成本,重复和交叉购买及口碑推荐。

    The cost for CRM , repeated buying , cross-buying and word-of-mouth forthe enterprise implementing CRM are analyzed .

  13. 该片上周末最强劲的竞争对手是《菲利普船长》(CaptainPhillips),后者也是一部得益于良好口碑的电影。

    Its closest competition this weekend was ' Captain Phillips , ' another movie benefiting from strong word-of-mouth .

  14. 与此同时,国外知名DM杂志凭借多年的口碑、成熟的机制、科学的管理、丰富的资源进入中国媒体市场。

    Meanwhile , foreign magazine for a dm with warm , mechanisms and scientific management , rich resources into china media markets .

  15. 互联网之外,病毒式营销被用来指“口碑(word-of-mouth),”“制造热点(creatingabuzz),”“整合媒体(leveragingthemedia),”“网络营销(networkmarketing)。”

    Off the Internet , viral marketing has been referred to as " word-of-mouth ,"" creating a buzz ,"" leveraging the media ,"" network marketing . "

  16. 2011年,在美国九家主要航空公司中,美联航在社交媒体上的口碑是最差的,Twitter上关于美联航的负面微博差不多有5.5万条。

    In 2011 , the company enjoyed the dubious distinction of ranking worst in social media sentiment among nine major airlines with some 55,000 negative tweets .

  17. 其次,建立了基于口碑效应的CLV改进模型。

    Secondly , an expanded CLV model is presented based on the word-of-mouth .

  18. 阿里巴巴及其旗下支付公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)去年还宣布,它们将分别投资30亿元人民币发展“口碑”(Koubei)送餐服务。

    Alibaba and its payment affiliate , Ant Financial , also announced last year that they would each invest Rmb3bn to develop a food-delivery service called Koubei .

  19. 我诚心感谢大家的支持、你们的email、你们的call-in、你们的口碑、还有你们的能量。

    Thank you with all of my heart , for your support , your emails , your call-ins , your word-of-mouth , your energy .

  20. MSF优良的产品质量与完善的销售服务在业界树立了良好的口碑,赢得了广大客户的一至信赖。

    MSF was sung high among this field and won high credit from many customers for its quality and perfect sales service .

  21. 由于本研究中的声誉和电子口碑对于C2C卖方来说是可控因素,因此本文不仅具有理论意义,同时还有较强的实践意义。

    Reputation and electronic word of mouth is controllable to sellers in C2C . This paper not only has theoretical significance , but also a strong practical significance .

  22. 北京第二外国语大学近日根据各景区网络口碑的大数据分析,发布了全国5A级景区10强榜单。

    Beijing International Studies University recently released a top 10 list of China 's 5A scenic areas based on big data analyses of their online reputations .

  23. 根据市场研究公司J.D.Power&Associates对大约1.5万名中国车主的调查显示,在最近的争议爆发之前,日系车经销商的服务口碑最好。

    Prior to the recent dispute , Japanese car-brand dealers ranked the highest in perception of best service , according to a survey of nearly 15000 Chinese vehicle owners from market research company J.D. Power .

  24. 作为新品种猫粮发布战略的一部分,这家英国宠物食品制造商去年引入了伦敦口碑营销专业公司wildfire设计的战略。

    As part of its launch strategy for a new variety of catfood , UK petfood maker masterfoods last year adopted a strategy designed by the London-based word-of-mouth specialists wildfire .

  25. “通过在周四晚上首映,我们可以早些让那些狂热粉丝们进入影院来树立口碑,”华纳兄弟美国国内发行部门的负责人费尔曼(DanFellman)表示。

    ' By opening Thursday night , we can get the fanboys in early to spark word-of-mouth , 'says Dan Fellman , president of domestic distribution for Warner Bros.

  26. 在中国,口碑极其重要,Gr&246;tsch说道。

    Word of mouth counts for a lot in China , said Gr & # 246 ; tsch .

  27. SIFE深圳大学团队创立于2004年,通过自身在社会实践中的努力及优异表现,赢得了社会的认同,为学校树立了良好的口碑。

    Shenzhen university SIFE team was founded in2004 , through own efforts in social practice and excellent performance , they win the social acceptance for school of establishing a good reputation .

  28. 当初,他曾试图在一对跑鞋上印上血汗工厂(sweatshop)一词,当时他与耐克(Nike)之间的病毒式电子邮件往来经历,令他成为数字化口碑式传播的先锋。

    From an early experience of a viral email exchange with Nike when he tried to have the word sweatshop printed on a pair of running shoes , he has become a pioneer of digital word-of-mouth .

  29. 本文通过研究口碑传播的影响力以及SNS关系网络的特征,分析了当前真实好友在网站上购物信息共享缺陷,采用真实好友间信息共享机制作为SNS与电子商务结合的研究切入点。

    The thesis studies the influence of Word-of-Mouth , analysis characteristics of social network on SNS websites and concludes the information sharing deficiencies of EC , then decides to choose the information sharing during real friends on the website as the research point .

  30. 而为了保证足够的赢利空间,校园SNS网站运营商可以采用以下几种盈利模式:精准化广告、网络游戏服务、软文营销与口碑推广、积极开发网络增值服务、与其他运营商合作。

    In order to ensure adequate profit space , the campus SNS website operators can use the following profit model : accuracy of advertising , online gaming services , software text marketing and word of mouth promotion , and actively develop value-added services network with other operators .