
  • 网络Deformation lamellae;deformation lamella;Variant
  1. 利用方解石、白云石双晶纹和石英变形纹进行动力学分析的数学方法及FORTRAN程序

    Numerical method for dynamic analysis of calcite and dolomite twin lamellae and quartz deformation lamellae and its FORTRAN program

  2. 详细研究了区内断裂构造的显微构造特征,包括显微裂隙、波状消光、变形条带、变形纹、亚颗粒、动态重结晶颗粒等,并对其形成机制进行了初步解析。

    It traverses the characteristics of the microstructures of faulting tectonics , including wavy extinction , deformation bands deformation lamellae , subgrains , dynamically recrystallization grains etc , and also studies their forming mechanisms in primary . 3 .

  3. 显微构造特征可细分为波状消光、变形纹、变形双晶、亚颗粒、核幔构造、变形带等。

    Thus microstructural features are characterized by wavy extinction , deformation pattern , deformation twin , sub-grain , core-mantle structure , deformation zone and so on .

  4. 在苗族的绚丽多姿的服饰中,有大量的动植物的变形纹图案,这些图案、花纹符号都有其特定的象征意义。

    In Miao 's gorgeous varied clothing , there are the massive zoology and botany distortion grain patterns , which all have their specific symbolic significance .

  5. 金属材料高温蠕变变形的云纹干涉法实验研究

    Study of creep deformation of metal materials with moire interferometry

  6. 表面封装技术组件焊点热变形的云纹干涉法研究

    Thermal deformation measurement of solder joints in surface mounted technique components using Moire interferometry

  7. 用激光加工硅钢片降低铁损残余变形的云纹干涉法测量研究

    Residual deformation analysis of grain oriented silicon steel sheets with lowered core loss using laser processing

  8. 受冲击载荷作用开口圆环动态变形的云纹法实验研究

    Experimental study of dynamic deformation of the opening circle ring under impact load action by moire method

  9. 到西周中、晚期,则逐渐用抽象变形的几何纹作为主要装饰题材。

    But the deformation of abstract geometric patterns became the main theme to the late Western Zhou Dynasty .

  10. 对变形三维云纹图进行了分析,得出了三维应变分布图。

    The deformed 3-D Moire fringe patterns are analyzed , and the deformed strain distribution patterns are obtained .

  11. 动态迭栅条纹细分的技术激光辐照靶材的温升模拟及变形的云纹干涉测试

    The technology of subdividing dynamic moire fringe Temperature Effect Simulation of CW High Power Laser and Measurement Technique of Dynamic Moire Interferometry

  12. 组件裂尖变形场的云纹显微倍增研究

    Study of crack tip singularity of module by micro multiplication moire interferometry

  13. 在研究木材静态缓冲特性的基础上,对实验数据进一步分析处理,得到了木材静压大变形情况下顺纹和横纹方向的静态本构关系。

    The static constitutive relation of the wood with large deformation is determined based upon the experimental data of the static compression tests .

  14. 本文将大变形理论用于云纹法的应变分析中,采用二维样条函数插值、拟合位移的分布,计算了应变张量的分布。

    In this paper , the computation of large deformation is introduced into strain analysis from Moire fringe patterns . Applying 2 & dimensional cubic spline approximation to fit the displacements in the plane considered , the distribution of the strain tensor is computed .

  15. 韧性变形具有波状消光、变形纹、流动构造、B+S构造岩等显微构造和组构特征。

    The features of ductile deformation in rock are the microstructures and microfabrics of undulating extinction , deformation lamellae , flowage structure and B + S-tectonite etc.