
For the next 40 years debtors were subject to state laws .
Thus , the Bill of Rights contained no language protecting the peoples'rights against abusive state and local officials .
Worse , the federal government is increasingly a drag on state and local budgets , as Washington cuts its own spending .
The Court 's opinion held that laws forbidding abortions violated the privacy rights of women and their physicians to make decisions involving abortions without interference from the state .
Notwithstanding the foregoing , this Agreement is governed by Missouri law .
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America .
Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida ( excluding conflicts of laws principles ) applicable to contracts to be performed in the State of Florida .
Goldman Subpoenaed On Huddles William Galvin , Massachusetts 's chief financial regulator , has subpoenaed Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , demanding information on the firm 's weekly trading huddles between its research analysts and traders .
As Jim Burress from WABE in Atlanta reports , Georgia is one of the states affected .
Shares of stock are " securities " and as such are subject to federal and state regulation of their offer and sale .
Most of the affected states are in the southern half of the country . But officials said farmlands in the north are now drying up as well .
This Amendment shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York , USA , without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof .
Airlines for America , the industry 's lobbying group , says air travel is almost always crossing state lines and airlines can 't be subjected to a particular state 's rules .
Nevada was among the States hardest hit by the 2008 housing bust .
Your rights are safeguarded by both the United States Constitution and state common law .
The authors invited to the Arizona Book Festival represent different cultures , literary styles , and subject matter .
The four hardest hit states ( Nevada , Florida , California and Arizona ) still account for over half of repossession actions , but the data provider 's heat map of the country is turning ever more pink .
Edison Pena has been invited to the New York City Marathon and to Graceland , the home of Elvis Presley in Memphis , Tennessee .