- developmental potentiality;potentiality of development

Studies on the developmental potentiality of cultured cell nuclei of fish
Effects of cryopreservation on the spindles and developmental potentiality of human oocytes
Objective To explore the relationship between the expression of ATP synthase and oocyte developmental potential .
Sperm can not repair DNA damage by itself , however the DNA-damaged sperm is still capable of fertilizing oocyte and has potentiality of development and DNA damage can be repaired after fertilization .
Previous studies demonstrated that coculture with granulosa cell monolayer could improve maturation rate and developmental potential of oocytes .
Objective : To observe the development competence and pregnancy outcome of oocytes matured in vitro and in vivo .
Furthermore , the activation rate in 24-hour group was similar to the 48-hour group 's , which was significantly higher than 72-hour group 's.
Conclusion The decreased expression of ATP synthase might involve in fertilization failure through interfering energy metabolism and fertilization process , and the ATP synthase 's level is relevant to the developmental potential of oocytes .
Conclusion : 1 . TNF - α and IL-6 in human serum and follicular fluid take part in regulation of ovarian paracrine and autocrine , improve the oocyte quality and embryo development potential of patient with PCOS . 2 .
Follicular development potential which could be the difference in maturation rate of IVM group , the rate of excellent embryos , the pregnancy rate than IVF / ICSI group an important reason .
Objective To assess the effect of repeated gonadotropic stimulations on the developmental potential and growth differentiation factor-9 ( GDF-9 ) expression of mouse oocytes .
Objective To study effects of different cryoprotective solution concentration and osmotic equilibration time on the survival rate of frozen-thawed mice oocytes and the developmental potential of the embryos that the survival oocytes were fertilized by ICSI .
Vitrified MII oocytes were fertilized with fresh spermatozoa and only 4.9 % eggs cleaved after 48 culture , which was very significantly lower than the cleavage rate of control ( 49.5 % , P < 0.01 ) .
There were good proliferative competences of the big and small OGCs cultured from the fresh and frozen partial-isolated culture groups , which suggested PROH procedure slow-freezing method can maintain the development potentiality of survival follicles . 3 .
The Impact of Ovarian Stimulation on Embryos Developmental Ability in Mice
The Application of Metabolism Analysis in In-vitro Culture Preimplantation Embryos Assessment
Study on the Relationship between Cumulus Granulose Cells Apoptosis and Oocyte Development in Buffalo
Effect of Repeated Gonadotropin Stimulation on Ovarian Tissue and Embryos Developmental Ability in Mouse
The Relationship between Human Zygotes Pronuclear Orientation 、 Early Cleavage and Embryonic Developmental Potential
Conclusion : Hydrosalpinx fluid may affect the ability of mouse early embryo development in vitro .
Conclusions : Embryo freezing timing has no influence on embryonic development in early cleavage stage .
Effect of Transplantation of Mitochondria from Cumulus Cells on the Developmental Potential of the Mouse Early Embryo
Effects of Slow - freezing Method on the Developmental Potential of the Human Mature and Immature Oocytes
The in vitro meiotic process and developmental competence of buffalo oocytes from different size follicles was investigated .
Objective : Study the effects of cumulus cells on the developmental potential and cytoskeleton of mouse vitrified-thawed oocytes .
Estimate of the Scoring System of Immature Oocyte on the in vitro Maturation and Development Potential of Human Immature Oocyte
Objective : To study the effect of slow-freezing method on the developmental potential of the human mature and immature oocytes .
The developmental potential of primate oocytes matured in vitro is poor due to the lack of knowledge on primate oocyte maturation .
Objective : 1 . Observation of two Chinese herbs to Tiangui particles on aging oocyte quality and early embryonic development of the potential impact .
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between nutrient utilization by the human embryo and its subsequent viability after transfer .