
fā shè zhuānɡ zhì
  • launcher
  1. 两种火箭能从已有的B-13L五管发射装置发射。

    Both rockets can be fired from the existing B-13L five-tube launcher .

  2. 一种空间科学应用的新型超高速发射装置

    A new hypervelocity launcher ( hvl ) for space science application

  3. 同心筒是一种先进的新型的舰载导弹垂直发射装置。

    Dynamic mesh technique was adopted to simulate the missile the concentric canister launch system .

  4. GPS信号发射装置上变频器电磁兼容设计

    The EMC design of up-converter for GPS sign electropult

  5. 基于ARM处理器的某型导弹发射装置检测系统设计

    Design of Test system for A Missile 's Launching Device Based on ARM Processor

  6. 发射装置是前面进弹而且能发射35毫米高爆(HE)和高爆反坦克弹药(HEAT)具有最大400毫米射程。

    The launcher is front-fed and can fire35mm high-explosive ( HE ) and high-explosive anti-tank ( HEAT ) rounds with a maximum range of400m .

  7. 某型导弹发射装置故障检测率的Bayes估计

    Bayes Estimation on Fault Detection Rate of Certain Type Missile Launcher

  8. 本文选用Pro/E进行参数化建模,协助建立了电磁发射装置各组成部件的三维模型;

    This paper helps to finish the 3-D parametric Models of electrical magnetric launcher ( EML ) in Pro / E software ;

  9. 发射装置导轨用MoS2润滑防护干膜的热成膜工艺研究

    Study on Processing of MoS_2 Solid Lubricant Film for Anti-Corrosion and Anti-Ablation Protection of Airborne Launcher Slide Track

  10. 在UG中建立某型弹射发射装置三维装配模型,然后把模型导入ADAMS。

    Establish the 3D assemble model of a launcher in UG , convert the model from UG into ADAMS .

  11. 美国已发展了一种高度逼真的和适应各种情况的虚拟GPS信号系统,这种虚拟发射装置可以是陆基的,空基的,或者星基的。

    A artificial or fictitious GPS signal system with high fidelity has been developed in USA. The fictitious signal radiation emission equipment can land base , space base or air base .

  12. 卫星上的VLF发射装置在海面上产生的场

    The VLF field on the surface of the sea generated by the spaceborne transmitter and antenna

  13. 在1950年后期,第123制造厂开始了它自己的大口径多管火箭发射装置(MRL)发展。

    In the late1950s , No.123 Manufacturing Plant began its own large caliber multiple rocket launcher ( MRL ) development .

  14. 本文概述了高温超导(HTS)材料在舰船上的应用研究现状和发展趋势,包括超导电缆、超导电机、超导扫雷具、电磁弹射/发射装置和储能系统等。

    The status and prospects of high Tc superconducting material in marine application involving superconducting cable and motor , superconducting mine sweeper , electromagnetic launcher , energe storage system etc.

  15. 基于ANSYS分析软件平台以及模拟强度试验对导轨撕裂部位进行强度分析,定量说明了此圆角增大可以明显改善导轨槽处的应力集中,增大某发射装置壳体的强度余量。

    Based on the ANSYS analysis software and simulation of the strength test , it was quantitatively proved that increasing the chamfering on the slot root of the rail could obviously reduce the stress concentration and enhance the intensity of the launcher housing .

  16. 在对某型导弹发射装置进行了合理的简化后,本文利用三维建模软件UG和多体动力学分析软件ADAMS对其进行了精确建模和动力学分析。

    Based on reasonable simplification to one type of missile launching system , this dissertation builds an accurate model and finishes dynamical analyses by use of UG ( Unigraphics ) and ADAMS ( Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems ) .

  17. TY-4火箭发射装置导流器热结构计算分析

    Analysis on thermal structure of guider for TY-4 rocket launcher

  18. 每个S-400营有八套发射装置,每套拥有四枚导弹,加上一个控制中心和雷达。

    Each S-400 battalion has eight launchers , each with four missiles , plus a control center and radar .

  19. 俄国计划2015年之前购买至少200套发射装置(每套使用四枚导弹),逐步淘汰过时的S-300和S-200系统。

    Russia plans to buy up to200 launchers ( each with four missiles ) by2015 , and phase out the older S-300 and S-200 systems .

  20. 介绍JSP-1型激光扫平仪发射装置的工作原理。

    The operation principles of transmitting equipment of laser planing system type JSP-1 is introduced .

  21. 本文提出了一种通过RS-232和嵌入在空空导弹发射装置发控软件内部的检测程序进行故障诊断的方法,并给出了总体设计思路和软、硬件实现方案。

    The paper firstly presents a method of fault diagnosis for the launcher that is realized by using RS-232 and embedded in the module of control program , and then brings forward the design of hardware and software .

  22. 论述了某气象雷达为满足测量大气低层温度需要而设计的RASS声发射装置的工作原理和技术要点。

    This paper describes the operational principle and key techniques of RASS sounding transmitter system designed to measure the temperature of lower atmosphere in a wind profile radar .

  23. 以火箭弹/发射装置系统为研究对象,分析了火箭弹初始扰动的影响因素,采用Newton-Euler方法建立了半约束期火箭弹的运动微分方程。

    Within the range of a rocket / launcher system , the influencing factors on the initial disturbances of rockets are analyzed . Differential equations of motion for the rocket during the semi-constraint period are constructed using the Newton-Euler method .

  24. 本文介绍CK-1M无人机是缩比为1/5的模拟无人机,安装在发射装置的短轨上,采用双发助推器进行发射起飞。

    This paper is to introduce a 1 / 5 scale model plane of a pilotless aircraft for simulation with a CK-1M mounted on the launching apparatus in combination with twin boosters for projecting take-off .

  25. 论述了某风廓线雷达为满足测量大气低层温度需要而设计的RASS声发射装置的系统原理和技术要点,声发射装置由音频信号产生器、音频功放和声天线三部分组成。

    This paper describes the theory and the key techniques of designing RASS sounding transmitter system to measure the temperature of the lower atmosphere in the wind profiler radar , the system is composed of the sound frequence source and power amplifier and sound antenna .

  26. 用有限元法进行多联装发射装置的模态分析

    Modal Analysis of the Multiple Launching System by Finite Element Method

  27. 综合评价技术在无人机发射装置方案设计中的应用

    Application of Comprehensive Evaluation Technology in Designing the Launcher of UAV

  28. 旋转火箭-发射装置系统的柔性效应研究

    A study on flexible effects of a spinning rocket launcher system

  29. 防空导弹武器系统中发射装置总体设计初探

    Launcher Design in the Ground Air - defense Missile Weapon System

  30. 动网格在仿真发射装置内弹道中的应用

    Using dynamic grid to simulate interior trajectory of the launching container