
fǎn xiànɡ zuò yònɡ
  • Reverse action;backward acting
  1. 知识模糊性在企业内部社会资本对知识转移的影响中起反向作用。

    Knowledge ambiguity has a negative influence on the process of internal social capital impacts on knowledge transfer . 3 .

  2. 二是宏观金融不稳定直接对地区经济波动产生影响,而地区经济波动对宏观金融不稳定的反向作用较弱。

    Secondly , macro-financial instability directly impact regional economic fluctuations , but the fluctuations of regional economic to macro-financial instability is weak .

  3. 建立了住宅市场与城市经济互动机理的研究框架,并分别介绍了城市经济对住宅市场的影响效应和住宅市场对城市经济的反向作用机制近期的研究成果;

    Based on the framework of the topic , the paper respectively introduces the research conclusion about the relationship between housing market and urban economics .

  4. 尽管在直接效应中,制度因素对经济增长起反向作用,但在总效应中,制度对经济增长起正向作用。

    Although in the direct effect institution has a negative effect on economic growth , in the overall effect institution has a positive effect on economic growth .

  5. 我有个律师朋友,他之前总把我比作是一股反向作用的龙卷风,这股风在其经过的路径上把碰到的东西都搭建起来。

    Patience alone isn 't enough . I have a lawyer friend who used to refer to me as a reversed tornado who builds everything in its path .

  6. 发展压力和任务要求压力通过冲突和惩罚等具有反向作用的支持系统间接影响三种应对策略,即具有反向作用的妨碍支持在发展压力、任务要求压力与三种应对策略间具有中介作用;

    Negative social support ( such as conflict and punishment ) is a mediator between self development stress or target requirement stress and the three types of coping strategies ;

  7. 第三章论述9次短、长时系列轴向力测试和控制实验及所获取的必要数据,并观察分析轧辊交叉角及轧制速度对轴向力大小的因果关系、轴向力反向作用等;

    In the third chapter , the data of 9 experiments is shown and the effect that the cross-angle and rolling speed applies on the axial force is analysis .

  8. 当股价高于9元时,价格对需求起反向作用,即股价越高,市场需求越少。

    When the IPO price is higher than 9 yuan , price has a negative relation to demand , that is , the higher the stock price , the fewer demand .

  9. 然后将弹性反力作为荷载,反向作用于侧墙和中间纵梁上,进行纵向梁的受力计算。

    Then , with the elasticity reverse force as the loading reversed acting on the side walls and the middle longitudinal beam , the longitudinal beam subject to force can be calculated .

  10. 教科书的选择是教科书价值实现的重要环节,会反向作用于教科书的建构行动。

    It is one of the important sections in the realization of textbook ' values , which will back act on the construct system of textbook . Who and how to select textbook ?

  11. 但是,对职业外工资的决定,除了有人力资本机制,还有户籍制度机制,要体现为农村户口对职业外工资有着反向作用。

    But for the outer-occupational wage determination , besides the mechanism of human capital , the mechanism of household registration system is significant , which rural household plays the negative role for the outer-occupational wage .

  12. 有限群在可定向闭曲面上反向自由作用的等价性(英文)

    Equivalence of the Orienation-Reversing Free Actions on Closed Orientable Surfaces by Finite Groups ;

  13. 本实验室前期研究指出细胞质反向调控作用可能是棉花细胞质雄性不育形成的主要分子机制。

    Our previous studies demonstrated that cytoplasmic retrograde regulation is probably a principal molecular mechanism for CMS in cotton .

  14. 房地产价格对城镇化的影响主要有两个方面,正向促进作用和反向抑制作用。

    Rising of the housing prices has two major impacts towards urbanization : The positive role is promoting and the reverse one is inhibiting .

  15. 但如果从文化的角度看,雍正的文化政策显然与其时欣欣向荣的政治经济氛围相左,甚至起一种反向的作用。

    But if from the cultural perspective , obviously and so prosperous conflicted with the political and economy atmosphere , and even completely opposite .

  16. 感知风险中的财务风险、身体风险及心理风险均对消费者二手车购买意向具有反向影响作用。

    Three factors : financial risk , body risk and psychological risk of the perceived risk have a significant negative effect on purchase intention . 5 .

  17. 协整检验揭示国际收支与实际汇率之间存在协整关系,误差修正模型揭示对出口额的波动具有一定的反向调节作用,而对进口额的反向调节作用则很微弱。

    As co-integration test reflects regulation between international trades and real exchange rate , correction mechanism suggests certain counter-regulation effect on export and weak effect on import .

  18. 研究表明,人口因素和经济因素在山西省碳排放中起正向拉动作用,能源强度因素对碳排放起反向抑制作用。

    The study shows that population and economic factors play a positive role in boosting carbon emissions of Shanxi Province , while energy intensity factors play a role of reverse inhibition .

  19. 这不是个可以忽略不计的小数目,但不需要太多的反向激励作用、移民出境、或是富人的避税行为,这笔钱就会被完全抹掉。

    This is not a negligible sum ; but it would not take much in the way of disincentive effects , emigration or tax avoidance at the top to wipe it out altogether .

  20. 在不允许设计成此种摆动型式时,让纠偏辊轴线摆动平面与入口带钢夹角小于45°,避免出现反向螺旋作用,才能收到较好纠偏效果。

    When this type of swing is not allowed , the angle between swinging plane of rectifying rollers ′ axis and strip steel should be less than 45 ° and avoid reverse spiral action for obtaining good rectifying effect .

  21. 利用Marc有限元软件,分析了紧缩场在温度、重力和反向力等作用下的变形。

    Its deformation under the loads of temperature 、 gravity and reverse force was analyzed with MSC . MARC .

  22. 深源地震机理的新认识&反向裂隙断层作用

    A new mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes : anticrack faulting

  23. 本文主要结论:一是增值税低税率税负起着反向的调节作用,增值税基本税率税负影响较小,而营业税、消费税则起着正向的调节作用。

    Main conclusions of this paper : First , it can be found that for the distribution of income , low value-added tax rate plays a reverse role in regulating . The influence of the general rate of value-added tax is less than the business tax .

  24. 目的探讨细胞因子白介素18(IL18)对大肠癌细胞Fas配体(FasL)蛋白表达水平的调控,及其对肿瘤细胞反向杀伤T淋巴细胞作用的影响。

    Objective To investigate the modulation of FasL protein in colon cancer cells by interleukin 18 ( IL 18 ) and it 's effect on tumor cells counterattacking T lymphocytes .

  25. 孔内正反向传爆的作用机理

    The Action Mechamism of Positive and Negative Transmiting in Holes

  26. 反向检查程序定向作用

    Backward search for program alignment function

  27. 本文就此数学模型进行了介绍,同时阐述了该模型的建立对抑制反向尖峰电压的作用。

    This paper emphatically introduces this mathematical model and expounds the effect of giving this mathematical model on checking the reverse spike voltage .

  28. 当梁板刚度比α≥1且在间隔反向均布荷载作用时,板在支座截面处的弯矩值比较小,可以忽略不计。

    Thirdly , when stiffness ratio of beam to slab is more than one and it works under skip load , the negative support moment is very small and it may be ignored .

  29. 确定的掺铒浓度,有着固定的最佳镱铒浓度比率,主要是镱铒离子间的正向和反向能量传递相互作用的结果,但最佳镱铒浓度比率随着掺铒浓度的增加呈现下降趋势;

    There exists the optimal Yb / Er ratio with constant Er concentration , this mainly is an interacting result of energy transfer and back energy transfer between Yb and Er , whereas the optimal Yb / Er ratio decrease with increasing the Er concentration ;