
shuānɡ pīn
  • Shuangpin;double pinyin
  1. 那是一辆双拼色的纳什大都会轿车(NashMetropolitan),他父亲为之配备了一台英国MG公司生产的发动机。

    It was a two-tone Nash Metropolitan that his father had fitted out with an MG engine .

  2. 一种基于音序的双拼输入法方案

    A New Double Pin Input Precept Based on Character Sequence

  3. 《自然码》双拼键盘设计合理的研究

    The study on the reasonableness of the Natural Code doub-spell keyboard design

  4. 汉字输入键盘设计方法的研究&兼论标准汉字双拼键盘的设计

    The Research of the Chinese Input Keyboard Design Method

  5. 结果表明:盲校高中学生充分肯定双拼盲文优越性的同时也指出了双拼盲文本身存在的问题;

    The results reveal that senior-high-students affirm the advantages also indicate the defects of CDBS .

  6. 这一街区的房屋都互相毗邻,只有拐角那些双拼式的房子例外。

    All the houses on the block are attached , except the corner ones , which are semidetached .

  7. 本文介绍了基于空间后方交会原理的数码相机检校方案,推导了双拼相机检校的数学模型,并对实现了对单个相机和双拼相机的检校。

    The paper introduced the digital camera calibration scheme based on resection principle , deduced the mathematic model for Two-Format cameras , and realized the calibration for single camera and combined camera .

  8. 其次,对该双拼别墅的倾斜原因进行了分析,得出倾斜是由内在的地基不均匀性和外在的绿化用水和地表水的下渗等两方面因素共同作用引起的。

    In the next place , a detailed analysis of the causes for tilting of the semi-detached villa is made and it is attributed to the irregular foundation , green belt sprinkling and the infiltration of surface water .

  9. 在双拼盲文和汉字转换模型[1]研究的基础上,利用包含多知识的语言模型成功地实现了歧义程度更高的现行盲文和汉字的高精度转换。

    On the basis of foregoing researches of transformation between double-phoneme mandarin braille and Chinese [ 1 ] , the paper constructs a multi-knowledge language model to achieve a high precision of transformation between prevailing mandarin braille and Chinese characters .

  10. 结果表明,该方法对单拼色和双拼色试样的配色精度较高,预告处方与实际用量相近,修色后色差较小;

    The experiment results show that this method can obtain higher color match veracity when applied to the single or two shade pitching of the samples with the projected amount in the recipe close to the actual dosage and less aberration after shading .