
  1. 在NaSch模型的基础上,制订了超车规则,建立了双向两车道混合车辆的元胞自动机交通流模型。

    A cellular automaton model for two_lane traffic with vehicle mixing basing on the Nagel_Schreckenberg ( NaSch ) model is proposed .

  2. 双向两车道混合车辆交通流的特性

    The traffic flow of two - lane system with vehicle mixing

  3. 而双向两车道公路上的超车问题又是交通领域中一个典型的问题。

    The overtaking problems of bidirectional two lanes are typical problems in traffic field .

  4. 本文针对双向两车道的道路,建立了非机动车由于阻滞干扰造成的路段交通流延误的模型。

    Aiming at two-lane road , this paper establishes a model to analyze the delay of road traffic caused by non-motorized for mixed traffic quantitatively .