
  • 网络timeliness;Timely;promptness;Just in Time;Time-based
  1. 他们利用底层的协议来跟踪数据位(如HTML文档或图像)的及时性。

    They leverage the underlying protocols to keep track of the timeliness of data bits , such as HTML documents or images .

  2. 解决了CRM系统与其他业务系统之间数据传输的准确性、及时性和有效性等问题。

    The issues of the data transmission accuracy , timeliness and effectiveness between the CRM system and other business systems are resolved .

  3. 系统采用C/S系统体系结构,保证了数据的及时性、有效性、安全性;

    The system is based on C / S structure to ensure the data real time , availability , and safety .

  4. 结论北京市的SARS公共卫生干预措施起到了积极作用,疫情控制信息系统的敏感性与及时性在流行中后期明显提高,对有效控制疫情效果良好。

    Conclusion The public health intervention of SARS rose positive effect .

  5. 实验结果表明这种策略很大程度上提高了搜索引擎中大型网站网页更新的效率,缓解了Web服务器的压力,并可保证用户对于检索结果的及时性和正确性。

    The result proves that the strategy greatly improves the efficiency of page update , releases the pressure of Web servers and guarantees the betimes and correctness of search result .

  6. 任何形式的广告设计都有策划,POP广告策划相对比较简单和随意,表现为及时性、便捷性、灵活性。

    Any form of advertisement has planning ; POP advertisement planning is relatively simple , optional , timely , convenient and flexible .

  7. 目的对怀柔区AFP监测系统的敏感性、及时性、完整性进行评价。

    Objective To assess the operation of surveillance system on acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) in Huairou district .

  8. 本系统采采用了SqlServer2008作为本系统的数据库,保证了数据的及时性、有效性和安全性。

    This system by using the SQL server 2008 as this system database , to ensure the data of timeliness , effectiveness and safety .

  9. 重点论述3S技术在冬小麦遥感估产应用中的基本原理和具体方法;充分肯定了3S技术应用于农业生产中的科学性、及时性和直观性。

    The paper discusses " 3S " technologies and its application in the estimate to the production of winter wheat by remote sensing .

  10. 针对静态环境下最近邻居查询的查询方式,根据空间查询结果的位置性,提出了利用P2P技术来共享邻近移动客户端的信息以提高查询及时性。

    According to the nearest neighbor query under static environment and the location of spatial query results , P2P technique is introduced to share the information of adjacent mobile clients . 2 .

  11. 利用VISUALBASIC6.0、Delphi6.0、Vc++6.0开发工具,从实践应用的角度,开发出了体操技术模糊综合评价系统,以期提高体操技术评价的及时性、客观性、准确性、科学性。

    Through using the developing tool of Visual Basic 6.0 , Delphi 6.0 and Vc + + 6.0 , this paper develops the blurry comprehensive evaluation system of gymnastic technique in order to improve timeline , objectivity and scientific of gymnastic technique evaluation .

  12. 结论认为通州市AFP病例监测工作重点应提高,AFP病例的就诊率和报告的及时性。

    The focal points of AFP surveillance system in our city from now on were to raise the clinic rate of AFP cases and the timeliness 、 of AFP case report .

  13. 为满足旅游信息模块化管理的要求,采用SOA的软件架构方法来设计旅游信息服务系统架构,从技术上保证信息服务系统向游客提供信息的准确性、及时性、完善性、可靠性。

    To meet the requirements of tourism information modular management , it design tourism information service system adopting SOA software architecture approach . Therefore , the information provided by the information system will be timeliness , integrity and reliability .

  14. 本文采用PEG模型计算股权融资成本,从及时性、完整性、真实性三方面对内部控制信息披露质量指标评价体系进行了构建。

    In this paper , we use PEG model to calculate the cost of equity financing and build the quality evaluation system of internal control information disclosure from three aspects : timeliness , completeness and authenticity .

  15. [方法]采用《全国常规免疫接种率监测方案》规定的接种率评价方法,对报告及时性、完整性、报告接种率、估算接种率、差值(D)、比值(R)进行评价。

    [ Methods ] According to the methods regulated by " National Surveillance Project for Routine Immunization Rate ", evaluation was carried out for the timeliness , immunization rate , estimated immunization rate , differences ( D ) and ratio ( R ) of reports .

  16. 针对RS-485总线的故障问题,提出了一种RS-485总线的冗余方法,这种方法有较高的可靠性和及时性,并且性能价格比很高。

    One redundant method of RS-485 bus is proposed to solve the RS-485 bus 's failure problem . This method has great reliablity and speediness , and is better in performance-price ratio .

  17. 结论为维持无脊灰状态,仍需提高和保持儿童OPV的免疫覆盖率,并保持AFP监测系统的敏感性、及时性、完整性。

    Conclusion For consolidating the polio-free , we should raise and keep the higher immunization rate of OPV and keep the sensitivity timeliness and completeness of AFP case surveillance system .

  18. 该系统采用模块化设计,运用了多线程保证数据采集的及时性以及运用了DCOM为远程配置提供接口,能实现对RIE260光传输设备的实时监控和远程配置等功能。

    In the module modularization design is adopted , multi-thread technology is used to ensure the timely data collection , and DCOM technology is utilized to supply the interface for remote configuration .

  19. 无处不在的BAM的基本思想是在需要一出现时就利用信息的“及时性”,而无单一访问机制的约束。

    The idea of BAM everywhere is to take advantage of the " timeliness " of information as soon as the need arises without the constraint of a single access mechanism .

  20. 在系统通讯功能设计上,本文采用E-Mail邮件及短信方式,将故障信息及报警信息等通过邮件及短信的方式及时发送至接收人,保证系统服务的自动化和及时性。

    Communication function in the system design , we use the E-Mail and text messages , the fault information and alarm information via e-mail and text message sent to the recipient in a timely manner to ensure that the automation system service and timeliness .

  21. MIGA说,MIGA与当地信息提供者(如投资促进和私有化机构以及商业信息提供者)结成合作伙伴关系,以保持网站内容的及时性与准确性。

    MIGA partners with local information providers such as investment promotion and privatization agencies and business information providers to keep website content fresh and accurate , says MIGA .

  22. 为顺应目前电信语音增值业务迅猛发展的趋势,满足人们对获取信息及时性和实效性的需求,本课题研究设计了一种提供实时TTS服务的语音增值业务动态信息查询系统。

    In order to adapt to the rapid development of Telecommunication Voice Value-added Services and satisfy the demand of people obtaining information in time and effectively , a Voice Value-added Service Inquire System , which offers dynamic info real-time TTS service , is researched and designed in this project .

  23. 报告的及时性比2004年缩短1.20d;传染病报告卡的未及时审核率为8.22%、未及时报告率为32.16%。

    The report time was 1.20d shorter than that in 2004 . The rate of report cards which were not verified in time was 8.22 % , the rate of untimely report was 32.16 % .

  24. 政府信息公开标准包括及时性与充分有效两个方面。主动开放的及时性表现在对象信息一旦被义务主体所控制,就应当及时以各种不同的方式主动公开;

    The standards for open government information include timeliness and effectiveness .

  25. 信息的及时性与证券市场的公平密切相关。

    Close relationship exists between information timeliness and securities market fairness .

  26. 确保与质量经理和内部顾客沟通的透明性和及时性。

    Ensure transparent timely communication with quality manager and internal customer .

  27. 确保发给客户的到货通知的及时性和准确性。

    Ensure delivery and shipment notice to customers are accurate and timely .

  28. 对管理者来说,信息的及时性经常比精密度更重要。

    Timeliness is often more important than precision to managers .

  29. 及时性与其他会计信息质量特征的关系。

    The relationships between timeliness and other quality features of accounting information .

  30. 从动态性、经常性、及时性方面论述了体育教学中德育教育的特点。

    The paper discusses the characteristics of moral education in PE teaching .