
  1. 基于临界分析论环境优美乡镇的环境规划&以常德市石门县子良乡为例

    Discussion on the Environmental Planning of Fine Towns Based on Threshold Analysis

  2. 环境优美乡镇和生态村建设若干法律问题研究基于临界分析论环境优美乡镇的环境规划&以常德市石门县子良乡为例

    Researching the Legal Aspects of the Construction of Environmentally Refined Counties and Eco-villages ; Discussion on the Environmental Planning of Fine Towns Based on Threshold Analysis

  3. 河北省康保县土城子煤矿一带含煤地层时代讨论

    The Age of Coal-Bearing Strata in the Tuchengzi Coalmine District , Kangbao County , Hebei Province

  4. 堆子岭文化以湖南湘潭县堆子岭遗址为代表,是湘江流域新石器文化谱系一个重要的组成部分。

    The Duiziling culture , taking the Duiziling site in Xiangtan county , Hunan province as the typical site , is an important part of the Neolithic culture in the Xiang River region .

  5. 这辆只有9个座位的厢式汽车被改装成校车,上午9点40分,当车祸发生时,它正在甘肃省庆阳市正宁县榆林子镇行驶。

    The van , which contained nine seats and had been converted into a school bus of sorts , was traveling in Yulinzi township in Qingyang city , Gansu province , at9:40 am , when the crash occurred .

  6. 青海省海晏县羔羊肝子病的病因诊断

    Etiological Diagnosis of " Ganzibing " in Lamb from Haiyan County of Qinghai Province

  7. 宁夏盐池县沙边子沙漠化土地整治研究基地位于毛乌素沙地西南部半干旱农牧交错区。

    Shabianzi Research Base For Desertified Land Management is situated in semi-arid , mixed farming and grazing zone southwest of Mu Us Sandy Land .

  8. 1992年在景东县开展了核桃子苗刨土嫁接试验。

    Grafting tests of Juglans sigillata was carried out in Jingdong county in year 1992 . The technique adopted in the test was using the juvenile seedlings before lignified as the rootstocks , grafted after removing the soil around the roots of the seedlings .