
  • 网络county system
  1. 近现代新疆县制研究

    Study on the County System in Xinjiang in Modern Times

  2. 春秋时期楚国的县制

    Chu 's County System in the Spring and Autumn Period

  3. 试论左郡左县制

    On the System of Zuo Shire and Zuo County

  4. 在春秋时期的争霸和征服战争中,县制发展起来。

    In the Spring and Autumn Periods , the county system grew with the development of wars .

  5. 随着城市化即将进入快速发展时期,县制进一步演变为市制是城市社会发展的必然趋势。

    Following urbanization into fast develop-ing stage , it is inevitable that county sys-tem will be evolved into city system .

  6. 唐实行道、府、州、县制,公元618年(武德初年)为晋州。

    Tang implement Road , House , state and county system , the AD618 years ( the early years of Wude ) to Jinju .

  7. 主要内容是研究我国存在两千多年的县制的历史变迁与基本功能。

    Main contents are that the history with the changes and the basic functions of our existence of two T thousand years county level government .

  8. 研究春秋时期楚国县制,对于深入探讨我国县制的起源与发展具有重要意义。

    It is important to research Chu 's county system , which benefits to deeply inquire to the county 's origin and development in our country .

  9. 在中国古代县制演变中,隋唐是其成熟时期,宋代则是其优化期。

    In the history of the county system of ancient China , Sui and Tang were the mature periods , and Song was the optimizing period .

  10. 县制就是县的行政制度,它主要包括县在国家行政区划体系的层级、县政府的职能、县级政府的行政组织和县级政府运行机制及相关制度。

    County system refers to the administrative system of the county , which includes counties in the state system-level administrative divisions , county-level administrative organizations and institutions .

  11. 试论民国时期地方行政制度的演革&以县制为例

    An Attempt at Talking about the Evolution of Local Administrative System during the Period of the Republic of China & To Take the System of County as the Instance

  12. 清末以来,在地方自治的背景下,华北各县境内形成了介于县制与村制之间的区制,成为近代华北乡村政治体制变动的一大特征。

    Under the background of local autonomy from Late Qing dynasty , borough system was established between county system and country administrative system in every county of North China .

  13. 商鞅变法包括废除过时的井田制,使土地私有制合法化,取消职级的世袭制,改用县制。

    Shangyang 's reforms include abolishing the outdated well-field system , legalizing the private ownership of land , canceling the hereditary system of rank and initiating a county system .

  14. 晋、楚两国的家族在卿大夫层面差别越来越大,主要表现在家族结构、中央执政制与地方县制等方面。

    There are great differences between the clans of senior officials in both countries , which are demonstrated in such aspects as the clan structure , the central administrative system and the local administrative system .

  15. 楚国对外扩张活动,不但扩大了楚国的地理范围,而且促进了南中国的开发和统一,特别是楚县制的建立具有重要历史意义。

    Chu external expansion activities , has expanded the geographic scope of Chu , but also promotes the development and unification of South China , in particular the establishment of the Chu County system has important historical significance .

  16. 楚县制的建立,使楚国政治、经济和军事上出现新的变化和发展,楚国逐渐走上强盛的道路,以及楚县对我国古代郡县制行政机构形成的影响和意义。

    Chu County build the system so that Chu political , economic and military on the emergence of new changes and developments , Chu gradually took the road of prosperity , and the counties of Ancient Chu county executive form of the system and meaning .

  17. 县制产生至今已经有两千多年的历史,其长期沿用和稳定,对历代行政均产生了重大的影响和作用,是中央政府对地方实施有效管理和控制的一个必不可少的层次。

    County , whose continual use can be backdated to 2000 years ago , has made the great influence and effects on the administration of all the past dynasties , and has become an effective level indispensable to central government 's administration and domination over locality .

  18. 息县是中国历史上县制保存最为悠久的县,更是典型的农业地区,在这里推广的4+2工作法具有典型意义,可以从多层面反映了这种工作法不同效果。

    In history , Xixian is a county that preserves the most glorious county ,, is a typical agricultural areas , here extension " 4 + 2 " methods of working have the typical significance very much , could reflect this method of working different effect from many stratification planes .

  19. 公元前356年和公元前350年,秦孝公任用商鞅进行了两次变法,内容包括鼓励人口增长,重农抑商,废除世卿世禄制度,奖励军功,编制户口,为实现中央集权而建立县制。

    In 356 B. C. and 350 B. C. , Duke Xiao of Qin appointed Shang Yang to reform twice . His measures included : encouraging the population growth , elevating agriculture and downgrading commerce , abolishing the traditional privileges of the nobles , rewarding a person for his military exploit , registering the residents .

  20. 对广西隆安县页岩制备的页岩陶粒进行理化性能研究。

    The physicochemical properties and technical performance of the haydite shale in the Jiutai-Changchun convex belt ;

  21. 广西巴马县瑶族制弩方法的调查

    An Investigation on the Crossbow-Making Method of Yao Nationality in Bama County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  22. 与此同时,行县之制在加强中央、各级政权与基层之间的政治联系,加强中央王朝对地方的行政管辖方面发挥着一定的积极作用。

    The system of touring the county play an active role in bring into close political ties between the central authorities at all levels , and between the local authorities and the grassroot organizations , thus strengthening the centralization of the dynastic power .

  23. 宁南县彝族寄宿制学生沙眼调查研究

    Research on trachoma among Yi Nationality Students under boarding system in Ningnan

  24. 江苏省太湖地区昆山县三熟制比例经济适合点问题的探讨

    Discussion on the optimum percentage of triple-cropping farmland in Kunshan county , taihu area , jiangsu Province

  25. 东汉在大部分时间内推行的是郡(国)县二级制。

    For most of the time , the Eastern Han Dynasty practised thd system of prefectures and counties .

  26. 民国17年(1928),实行省、县两级制,榆中县直隶于甘肃省政府。

    In17 ( 1928 ), the implementation of provincial , county two-tier system , Zhili in Yuzhong County , Gansu provincial government .

  27. 本研究以固始老母鸡为素材,借鉴固始县当地熬制鸡汤的办法制备鸡汤,测定了鸡汤的基本营养成分和鸡汤对小鼠免疫力的影响。

    The objectives of this research were to determine the basis nutritional components and the effect of Gushi chicken soup on immunity in mice .

  28. 宋代的地方行政体制分为路、州(府、军、监)、县三级制,其中路是宋代地方的最高行政机构。

    The Song dynasty local administration system is divided into Lu , state ( mansion , army , prison ) and county levels , including Lu is the Song dynasty made the highest administrative institutions where .

  29. 临泉县生姜片干制中HACCP体系的建立

    Establishment HACCP System in Linquan Fresh Ginger Slice Drying

  30. 采用规范研究方法、加上理论分析和访谈研究,对J县人民医院股份制改革的原因、步骤、预期结果和风险管理进行详细分析。

    By normative research method , adding to theoretical analysis and case studies , the reasons , steps , expected results and risk management were analyzed detail .