
  1. 西门子称重元件应用于煤矿主井提升系统与PLC配合实现装载自动定量控制和原煤产量的计量。

    Load cell of SIEMENS using in coal mine main well coveying system cooperate to PLC , realizes automatic quantitative loading control and coal yield measure .

  2. 2009年我国原煤产量为30.5亿吨,在煤矿开采中,通过通风瓦斯排放的纯甲烷量在150200亿m3左右。

    In 2009 , China has a coal production of 30.5 million tons and the volume of pure methane discharged through ventilation during coal mining is between 15 and 20 billion cubic meter .

  3. 工业锅炉能耗巨大,占我国原煤产量的三分之一左右。

    Industrial boilers huge energy consumption , Chinese output of raw coal accounts for about one-third .

  4. 全国乡镇煤矿原煤产量抽样调查与统计工作建议这样用时,煤炭就不是生产原料了,而是最终产品。

    Sampling investigation on raw coal production of villages and towns coal mine in China and suggestions on statistics ;

  5. 全年原煤产量27.9亿吨,增长4.1%,新增发电装机9051万千瓦。

    Coal output was2.79 billion tons in2008 , up4.1 % , and installed power-generating capacity increased by90.51 million kilowatts .

  6. 结果表明:随着累计原煤产量的增加,草地破坏面积和草地沙化面积在逐年扩大;

    The result shows that with the increase of coal output , the area of destruction and desertification of grassland keep enlarging year by year .

  7. 其中,原煤产量35.2亿吨,原油产量稳定在2亿吨,成品油产量2.7亿吨。

    Of this , raw coal reached 3.52 billion tons ; crude oil , 200 million tons ; and refined oil products , 270 million tons .

  8. 在世界原煤产量中,中国占到了35%,但在世界煤矿工人死亡人数中,中国却占了80%。

    In the raw coal output , China occupies 35 % , but coal miners death toll in the world . China has accounted for 80 % .

  9. 本文根据主成分原理,对影响矿井原煤产量的生产因素进行综合分析,并构造出回归预测模型。

    According to the theory of Chief Component , this paper makes comprehensive analysis with producting factors of the coal mine , and it also advances a set of mathematical models of coal output .

  10. 经过五十多年的建设和发展,我国原煤产量增长近700倍,已成为世界上最主要的产煤大国之一,煤炭开采技术和生产管理方式等方面也有了极大的改善。

    Through the construction and development of coal industry during 50 years , the production of coal is already increased by 700 times than that in 1949 . In the meanwhile , technology of exploitation for coal and management are improved well .

  11. 据统计,我国煤矸石综合排放量约占原煤产量的15%&20%,已累计储存量达70亿t之多。

    According to stat. , in our country the amount of the integrative discharging of coal gangue is equal to 15 % ~ 20 % of raw coal , and the accumulative total of stockpile may reach more than 70 hundred million ton .

  12. 随后,利用统计学的基本原理对调研数据进行因子分析,寻找出与企业人才相关程度最大的因素,即原煤的产量。

    Use of SPSS and factor analysis of data , and the factors related to the most talented person , namely raw output .