
  • 网络crude oil import
  1. 我国原油进口航线网络的优化

    Optimization of Chinese crude oil import route network

  2. 石油产品需求上升和炼油厂加工量增加,使我国原油进口在去年下降之后恢复增长。

    An increase in oil product demand and in refinery processing volumes helped crude oil import to rise again after last year 's decline .

  3. 基于VAR模型的中国原油进口现状分析

    An Econometric Analysis on China 's Crude oil import : Based on VAR Model

  4. 目前,中国约35%的原油进口均来自海湾合作委员会(GulfCooperationCouncil)的6个成员国。

    About 35 per cent of China 's crude imports now originate in the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council .

  5. 据牛津能源研究所(OxfordInstituteforEnergyStudies)称,中国计划参照发达国家,建立相当于90天原油进口量的石油储备,将分三个阶段完成。

    China plans to achieve 90 days of crude import cover similar to developed countries , to be achieved in three phases , according to the Oxford Energy Institute .

  6. Box指出,仅此一次劫持得逞,海盗便获得了美国每天原油进口量的五分之一,价值约为2亿美元。

    Box said that with one hijacking , the pirates were able to seize one-fifth of the United States ' total daily imports of crude oil , worth an estimated $ 200 million .

  7. 据NPR新闻的戴夫·马丁利报道,分析人员表示赤字扩大的原因是外国原油进口增加而出口下降。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports analysts say the reasons include more imports of foreign oil and a drop in exports .

  8. 美国国内能源开发的繁荣引发了激烈辩论,其主题是:20年后霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)等世界关键航道是否仍将由美国来确保畅通?对于中东原油进口依赖度正在迅速上升的中国,是否将接替美国的这一角色?

    That domestic production boom has triggered intense debate over whether the US would still guard the world 's critical sea lanes , such as the Strait of Hormuz in two decades " time - or whether China , whose dependence on Middle Eastern crude imports is rapidly rising - would replace it .

  9. 韩国也表示,它将减少从伊朗的原油进口。

    South Korea also said it would reduce imports of Iranian crude .

  10. 2000年以来中国原油进口来源构成分析

    The Composition Analysis of China 's Crude Oil Import Sources Since 2000

  11. 主要做燃料油以及原油进口

    Mainly fuel oil and crude oil imports to do

  12. 2000年我国原油进口首破七千万吨原因分析及其思考

    Why 2000 Chinese Oil Imports Exceeded 70 Million Tons

  13. 原油进口量突破1.2亿吨,增幅达34.8%;

    The import of crude oil exceeded 120m tons , up 34.8 % ;

  14. 大幅增加从中亚和俄罗斯的原油进口可能性尤其大。

    A leap in oil imports from Central Asia and Russia seems especially likely .

  15. 原油进口量表现出类似的趋势。

    Crude oil showed a similar pattern .

  16. 基于需求分布的中国原油进口海运运输网络优化研究

    The Optimization of an Imported Crude Oil Maritime Transportation Network for China Based on Demand Distribution

  17. 原油进口量猛增92%,突破7000万吨。

    The import of crude oil increased by 92 % , surpassing the 70 million ton mark .

  18. 2000年至2002年的3年中,中国每年的原油进口量均在6000万吨以上。

    Through year 2000 and 2002 , annual crude oil imports all exceeded 60m tons in China .

  19. 降低了原油进口成本,让人们有了更多的钱可以花在其他消费品上。

    cutting the cost of crude oil imports , and leaving people with more money to consume .

  20. 估计目前的原油进口量不到1990年的20%。

    Crude oil imports are estimated at less than 20 per cent of what they were in 1990 .

  21. 从原油进口结构看我国原油战略安全

    To View Strategic Safety of Crude Oil in Our country from Angle of Makeup of Crude Oil Imports

  22. 原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。

    To reduce its transport cost , crude oil importers are urgent to find out an economic transport network .

  23. 中国原油进口增速超过了炼油厂产出,这意味着其增加了商业和战略储备。

    Imports of crude into China are rising faster than refinery output , implying elevated commercial and strategic stocks .

  24. 原油进口量比上年同期增长11.09%,成品油的进出口量均呈下降趋势。

    Crude imports were up 11.09 % , and the import & export of oil products displayed a declining trend .

  25. 第一季度原油进口量较上年同期上升14%。

    For the first quarter , crude imports rose by 14 per cent compared with the same period last year .

  26. 目前,我国原油进口量居美国、日本之后,成为世界第三大原油进口国。

    Currently , China has become the third largest country after USA and Japan in amount of crude oil importation .

  27. 与中国经济密切相关的两种大宗商品铁矿石和原油进口量均有所增加。

    Imports of both iron ore and crude two commodities closely correlated to the Chinese economy both increased in volume terms .

  28. 韩国是世界第五大原油进口国,世界第二大液化天然气进口国。

    South Korea is the world 's fifth largest crude oil buyer and the second largest buyer of liquefied natural gas .

  29. 而在上世纪,情况并非如此,当时的忧虑主要集中在对外国原油进口的过分依赖上。

    This was not the case last century , when worries centred on too heavy a reliance on foreign oil imports .

  30. 总体来说,一季度石油产品进口的疲软抵消了原油进口8%的增长幅度。

    Overall , weak oil products imports offset an 8 per cent rise in crude oil imports in the first quarter .