
  • 网络The Discovery of India
  1. 我们记得尼瓦佛教具有相当的地方性色彩的特色,而这些并未在印度的大乘佛教发现过的。

    One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements , which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism .

  2. 印度的这项发现之后不久,美国航天局将一个航天器撞向位于月球南极永久阴影区、直径100公里的卡贝乌斯环形山。

    Soon after the Indian feat , Nasa crashed a spacecraft into the 100km-wide Cabeus crater which is in permanent shade on the moon 's south pole .

  3. 西门子印度公司的高管们发现了自己的机会,他们称高端欧洲产品“设计过度”。

    Indian executives at Siemens spotted their opportunity , describing high-end European products as " over-engineered " .

  4. 科学家表示,他们在印度马德里的饮用水中发现了危险类细菌。

    Scientists say they have found dangerous forms of bacteria in the drinking water of New Delhi , India .

  5. 不过,你可能想象不到,有人在印度洋的小岛上发现了现实版的愤怒小鸟。

    However , you may be unable to imagine , someone in India Ocean Island found a real-life version of angry birds .

  6. 布吕克举了个例子,当访问印度的德国工程师们发现孟买严重超载的通勤列车没有车门时,简直惊呆了。

    He tells of how visiting German engineers , for example , have been aghast to discover that Mumbai 's overloaded commuter trains have no doors .

  7. 然而,渐渐地,他开始想念印度的美食,他发现这些外国人过着一种机械式的生活,譬如邻里之间毫无来往,个人隐私及个人空间被过于看重,人与人之间并不真正愿意连接彼此。

    But slowly he realized that he was missing Indian food . He realized that people abroad led a very mechanical life and there was no interaction between neighbours . Since everyone gave too much importance to privacy and individual space , people were not really close to one another .