
  1. 这种印刷字太小,我看起来有困难。

    The print is too fine for me to read .

  2. 快看看这个胖乎乎的富态的印刷字。

    Just look at that fat , rich , printed number .

  3. 中文斜体印刷字倾斜角度的检测算法

    A Chinese Italics Skew Detection Algorithm

  4. 依山建造斜体太阳能烟囱的构想中文斜体印刷字倾斜角度的检测算法

    A novel concept for constructing a leaning solar chimney power plant supported by a mountain A Chinese Italics Skew Detection Algorithm

  5. 从飞机上测量磁倾角的仪器。中文斜体印刷字倾斜角度的检测算法

    An instrument for measuring the angle of magnetic dip ( as from an airplane ) . A Chinese Italics Skew Detection Algorithm

  6. 印刷字块与周边空白的关系被解码,三个有机形体之间被安排了美学上的对话。

    The relationship between typographic text blocks and its surrounding empty space is deciphered as Lee organizes an aesthetic dialogue between the three organic forms ;

  7. 本文采用Shannon理论,讨论了古籍印刷汉字识别字域地选择所受的约束,汉字特征提取的性能限度,以及如何用汉字的统计特性,进一步提高系统的识别率。

    In the light of Shannon theory , this paper discusses how to choose a Chinese charac-ter set for recognition , the limitation of character feature extraction and how to use the statis-tics of Chinese character to improve recognition rate .

  8. 印刷文字从字脚到字面的高度,标准为0.98'英寸(为2.333厘米)

    The height of type from foot to face , standardized at0.98'inch ( 2.333 centimeters ) .

  9. 黑体字的用粗体,黑体印刷的黑体字常用来表示向量。

    Printed in thick , heavy type . Bold type , is often used for vectors .

  10. 2.vt.划线于……下,强调在(写的东西)下画横线来表示印刷时用斜体字

    to underscore ( written matter ) with a single line to indicate italics

  11. vt.组成,构成;调解;[印刷]排(字);使安定vt.&vi.创作(乐曲、诗歌等);为…谱曲vi.构图,构成由…组成组成全体的各部分使自己镇定下来调解争执写一首诗〔一篇演讲〕

    eg. be composed of the parts that compose the whole compose oneself compose a dispute compose a poem [ a speech ]

  12. 通常具有空白位置、以插入信息的一种预先印刷或打好字的文档纸。

    A printed or typed document which usually has blank spaces for the insertion of information .

  13. 钢制网纹辊特殊处理,印刷均匀,细字清晰稳定。

    The Gun special processing of the steel system net line , the printing be even and the serif be clear stability .