
  • 网络health station
  1. 每个大队有一个卫生站以名义上的成本提供医疗服务。

    Each brigade has a health station giving medical care at nominal cost .

  2. 评价村卫生站应用抗菌药物的现状。

    The status quo of the use of antibiotics in village clinics was evaluated .

  3. 这项前瞻性研究包括了在哈南省随机选择的社区卫生站中登记的孕妇。

    This prospective study included pregnant women registered in health stations in randomly-selected communes in Ha Nam province .

  4. “它增强了各种环境下医疗保健的安全性,无论是现代化综合大医院还是简易卫生站”。

    " It enhances the safety of care across all settings , from complex , modern hospitals to simple health posts " .

  5. 此外,与卫生站服务对象相比,社区的生殖健康代理的服务对象不太可能在三个注射周期期间停止使用避孕针剂。

    In addition , clients of CBRHAs were less likely to discontinue using injectable contraceptives over three injection cycles than health post clients .

  6. 去到下一个最近的卫生站需要步行3个小时之久,还要穿过地震重灾区,而塔芒身体太虚弱了,根本走不了那么久。

    Reaching the next closest clinic would require a three-hour walk across earthquake-ravaged terrain , and Tamang was too weak to manage it .

  7. 对埃塞俄比亚妇女而言,从社区的生殖健康代理和从卫生站的健康推广人员接收避孕针剂具有一样的安全性和可接受性。

    Receiving injectable contraceptives from CBRHAs proved as safe and acceptable to this sample of Ethiopian women as receiving them in health posts from HEWs .

  8. 她不知道房子坍塌有没有伤到肚子里的孩子,而离她最近的卫生站也坍塌了。

    She had no idea how the building collapse had affected the child she was carrying , and the nearest health post was in ruins .

  9. 推出医疗工作者特别承包制让塞内加尔在缺少医疗工作者的地区成功地重新开设了卫生站。

    The introduction of a special contracting system for health workers was a successful approach to reopening health posts in regions with low health workforce density in Senegal .

  10. 每个月他们收到新供应的疟疾治疗盒和诊断检测盒&在他们参加地方卫生站的培训时由柬埔寨卫生部供应。

    Each month , they receive new supplies of malaria treatment packs and diagnostic kits – supplied by Cambodia 's Ministry of Health – when they attend training at the local health post .

  11. 与卫生站服务对象相比,社区的生殖健康代理的服务对象平均略微年长,已婚较少,教育程度较低,并且服务对象的子女存活明显较多。

    Compared with health post clients , the clients of CBRHAs were , on average , slightly older , less likely to be married and less educated , and they had significantly more living children .

  12. 在中文Windows95平台下,以Access为应用系统开发工具,设计广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理单机版系统。

    A stand-alone computerized management system of biological products was developed on Windows 95 platform with Access in Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre .

  13. 方法对9个铁路工程局隧道工5482人进行接尘史的回顾性调查,并调集各局卫生防疫站历年施工隧道粉尘监测资料,用SAS软件进行统计分析。

    Methods Dust exposure histories of 5 482 tunnellers from 9 Railway Engineering Bureau and dust monitoring data were investigated and collected . SAS was used for statistic analysis .

  14. 方法收集1993&2001年世界银行贷款结核病控制项目期间涟源市卫生防疫站4747份肺结核病历资料,对影响肺结核患者治疗转归的有关因素进行单因素分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。

    ? Methods The data of 4 747 cases in Lianyuan Disease Control and Prevention Station from 1993 to 2001 were collected to analyze the factors influencing the treatment outcome of TB patients by using Chi square test and unconditional Logistic regression analysis .

  15. AFP病例48h内调查率95.16%,14d内双份合格粪便标本采集率90.32%,粪便标本7d内送至省卫生防疫站占87.10%。

    The collecting rate of double stool specimens of AFP patients within 14 days reached 90.32 % . The specimen delivery rate was 87.10 % within 7 days to Anhui Sanitary and Anti epidemic Station .

  16. 共十五家医院、十家社区卫生服务站纳入本研究。

    Totally 15 hospitals and 10 community health agencies were selected .

  17. 结论不同地区社区卫生服务站的各项收入比例不同;

    Conclusion The ratio of income varies with different regions ;

  18. 社区卫生服务站静脉用药现状分析

    Analysis on status quo of intravenous medication in community health service station

  19. 社区卫生服务站运营状况调查分析

    Survey of the Management in the Community Health Service Stations

  20. 社区卫生服务站整体上也不盈利,亏损者占45.5%。

    Community health station overall nor profit , the losers 45.5 % .

  21. 方法采用标准化问卷对全国11个省、直辖市的508个社区卫生服务站进行调查。

    Methods 508 CHSS in 11 provinces were investigated by standard questionnaire .

  22. 沈阳市2006&2007年社区卫生服务站财务收入状况分析

    Analysis on the Income of the Community Health Service Centers in Shenyang

  23. 广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理系统

    A Computerized Management System of Biological Products for Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre

  24. 社区卫生服务站在我国的发展历程及现况

    The Development and the Actuality of the Community Health Service Station in China

  25. 加强社区卫生服务站消毒卫生管理

    Strengthening the Sterilization Sanitary Management of Community Health Station

  26. 社区卫生服务站护理人员现况调查分析

    Survey on the Nursing Staff of Community Health Service

  27. 我国社区卫生服务站的发展有近十年的历史。

    The Community Health Service Station has developed for nearly ten years in China .

  28. 社区卫生服务站药学服务工作的探讨

    Discussion on Pharmacy Service in Community Health-care Centers

  29. 苏州市社区卫生服务站人力资源调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Human Resources in Community-based Health Service Station in Suzhou City

  30. 卫生防疫站综合质量的定量评估

    A mathematical statistics method to evaluate comprehensively the whole quality of health and anti-epidemic stations