
  • 网络Kalam;Abdul Kalam
  1. 印度前总统阿卜杜尔•卡拉姆(A.P.J.AbdulKalam)早在2005年就曾表示过,印度需要在2030年以前,将可再生能源占发电总量的比例从5%提升至25%。

    Already back in 2005 , A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , India 's former president , said the country needed to boost renewable energy from 5 per cent of power generation to 25 per cent by 2030 .

  2. 他们写信给印度总统卡拉姆与总理辛赫,并在葳达栖身的公园外抗议。

    They wrote letters to Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and held protests outside the park that is Veda 's home .

  3. 伦敦梅菲尔区(Mayfair)的米其林星级餐厅Gymkhana的大厨卡拉姆•塞蒂(KaramSethi)也持相同意见。

    Karam Sethi , chef at Michelin-starred Mayfair restaurant Gymkhana , agrees .

  4. 辐射专家安德鲁•卡拉姆的一篇论文给出了答案。

    A paper by radiation expert Andrew Karamprovides an answer .

  5. 在卡拉姆的航天工业综合厂的工人最少已经被作为一次攻击目标。

    The complex at Kamra or its workers has been targeted at least once before .

  6. 卡拉姆·昌德和他结婚近90年的妻子卡塔莉在同一天庆祝了生日。卡拉姆已经109岁了,而他的妻子也有102岁了。

    Karam Chand celebrated reaching 109 on the same day his wife of nearly 90 years , Kartari , turned 102 .

  7. 现代婚姻总不能敌过时间的考验。但长寿和经验无疑让卡拉姆成为能给我们提些好建议好男人人选。

    Many modern day romances fail to stand the test of time but longevity and experience makes Karam the best man to go to for relationship advice .

  8. 卡拉姆计算出在1秒差距距离上的中微子辐射剂量约为0.5纳西弗,也就是吃一根香蕉所受辐射的1/500。

    Karam calculates that the neutrinoradiation dose at a distance of 1 parsec would be around half a nanosievert , or1 / 500th the dose from eating a banana .

  9. 这对仍旧恩爱如昔的夫妻,最初由包办婚姻走到了一起。11月他们刚举办了一个大型的派对庆祝丈夫卡拉姆107岁和妻子卡塔里100岁的生日。

    The still loved-up couple , who met through an arranged marriage , are having a big party in November to celebrate Karam 's 107th and Katari 's 100th birthday .

  10. 辛格曾说,印度总统卡拉姆和宇航员卡帕娜·乔拉都曾参加了“国际科学家发现考试”,但卡拉姆政府否认了此事,而印度女宇航员卡帕娜·乔拉也已在2003年哥伦比亚号航天飞机爆炸事故中遇难。

    Singh had also said President Abdul Kalam and Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla , who died in the Columbia shuttle explosion in2003 , had sat the test . Kalam 's office denies this .

  11. 这对老夫妻说长寿婚姻的秘诀就是把对方照顾的无微不至。丈夫卡拉姆说:“我的诀窍就是让卡塔里开心,说笑话逗她笑。我的浪漫就是去搞笑。”

    The pair say that the key to success is looking after each other in every way possible : ' My trick is to make Katari laugh . I like to tell jokes and make her smile . Being funny is my way of being romantic . ' says Karam .