
  • 网络BSOL;SSOL;SOL;space-occupying lesions
  1. CT导引下穿刺活检对胰腺占位性病变的诊断价值

    Evaluation of CT-guided biopsy in diagnosing space-occupying lesions of the pancreas

  2. MR扩散加权成像在肝脏占位性病变中的应用

    Application of MR diffusion weighted imaging in the diagnosis of focal space-occupying lesions in liver

  3. 眼球后占位性病变CT与超声影像诊断的对照观察

    Diagnostic comparison of CT and ultrasonography for post bulbar occupancy diseases

  4. 小脑桥脑角占位性病变的CT表现和诊断

    CT Manifestation and Diagnosis of Space Occupying Lesion of Cerebellopontine Angle

  5. B超和CT扫描提示腹部占位性病变。

    B ultrasonography and CT scanning showed mass in the abdomen .

  6. 双期动态CT对肝内占位性病变诊断的研究

    Biphasic Dynamic CT in Diagnosis of Space-occupying Lesion of Liver

  7. 多排螺旋CT仿真结肠镜对结直肠占位性病变诊断价值的研究

    Diagnostic value of multi-slice spiral CT colonoscopy in colorectal neoplasms

  8. 纵隔淋巴结结核与其它占位性病变CT鉴别诊断

    Differential diagnosis on mediastinal lymph node tuberculosis and other mediastinal phyma diseases

  9. 作者报道39例由颅内占位性病变而具有钙化斑的病人,根据CT所见,提出被此鉴别的要点。

    39 cases of intracranial space-occupying lesion with calcification plaque are reported .

  10. SENSE基础上扩散加权成像诊断肝脏占位性病变的价值

    Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Based on SENSE Technology : Value in the Assessment of Hepatic Masses

  11. CT技术在诊断肝占位性病变的运用

    The Realization iof CT Diagnosis in Hepatic Occupied Disease

  12. 本文对126例肝脏占位性病变的CT表现进行了分析;

    The CT appearence of 126 cases of hepatic occupied disease are analysed .

  13. CT导引下经皮肺穿刺活检诊断肺占位性病变36例分析

    Analysis of lung biopsy through CT-guided percutaneous paracentesis to diagnosing peripheral lung tumor

  14. 膈肌脚后间隙占位性病变的CT分析

    CT Analysis of Crura of Diaphragm Space Occupying Lesions

  15. CT扫描在纵隔占位性病变中的诊断价值

    CT Diagnosis Value of Mediastinum Space Occupying Focus

  16. 颅脑CT检查示右侧颅中窝有一占位性病变。

    CT showed that there was a space-occupying lesion in right middle cranial fossa .

  17. 43例肾占位性病变的CT分析

    Kidney Neoplasm : CT Analysis of 43 Cases

  18. MR灌注成像在肝脏常见占位性病变诊断及鉴别诊断中的价值初探

    MR perfusion imaging in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of common liver masses : preliminary study

  19. 鞍旁常见占位性病变的MRI诊断

    Diagnosis of common cerebral masses lateral to the sella on MRI

  20. CT检查10例中,8例疑有占位性病变。

    By CT scanning , tumors were suspected in 8 of the 10 cases scanned .

  21. 脑内等密度占位性病变的CT诊断途径分析(附116例报告)

    CT diagnosis of intracerebral space occupy lesion with isodensity ( analysis of 116 cases )

  22. B超及CT检查均提示肝囊性占位性病变。

    The ultra sonographic and CT scanning revealed cystic space occupying lesions in the liver .

  23. MRI对肾脏占位性病变的定性诊断误诊分析

    Analysis of Misdiagnosis of MRI in the Differential Diagnosis of Renal Masses

  24. CT对脾脏占位性病变的检出率为100%,定性诊断准确率为67%。

    The detected rate and the right diagnostic rate were respectively 100 % and 67 % .

  25. 肝断层及平面显像在肝占位性病变鉴别诊断中的意义&与B超、CT比较

    Significance of Liver Imaging in Differentiating Intrahepatic Space Occupying Lesions-Comparison of Radionuclide Scintigraphy , Ultrasound and CT

  26. 肝原发性肿瘤及占位性病变CT延迟增强扫描的意义

    The value of delayed iodine CT scans on the detection of hepatic lesions and primary hepatic tumors

  27. 眼眶占位性病变的CT诊断与手术方式的相关性分析

    The significance of CT diagnosis for the selection of type of operation in orbital space occupying lesions

  28. 目的探讨CT对肝脏占位性病变的诊断及鉴别诊断的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT in manifestations and differential diagnosis of mass-like hepatic lesion .

  29. Doppler彩色血流成象在肝实质占位性病变诊断中的应用

    Application of Doppler color flow imaging in the diagnosis of the solid hepatic lesions

  30. 盆腔、B超与CT检查皆证实左侧卵巢占位性病变。

    CT and type " B " ultrasonic scan of pelvis showed a mass in the left ovary .