
  • 网络blog search;Google Blog Search
  1. LUCENE实现的基于RSS的博客搜索引擎

    Research on Blog Search Engine Based on RSS and Realized by LUCENE

  2. 5基于Nutch的图情博客搜索引擎的核心模块实现。

    Chapter 5 . Implementation of the Core modules in LIS Blog Search Engine .

  3. 开发人员可以在Web应用程序上实现自动化博客搜索,让用户能够在博客圈中搜索符合自己的兴趣的文章。

    Developers can implement it so that their Web application users can search the blogosphere for articles that match their own specific interests .

  4. 11%的雇主进行博客搜索,7%的人在微型博客网站Twitter上对职位候选人进行跟踪。

    Eleven percent search blogs while seven percent follow candidates on micro-blogging service Twitter .

  5. 作为博客搜索最为关键的博客排序算法,更是成为Blog领域的研究热点,得到了广泛的关注。

    The blog page ranking algorithm is one of the most key techniques in blog search engine . As the most critical part , blog ranking algorithm has become the research hotspot .

  6. 当时我在与Technorati(一个博客搜索引擎)的创建者之一交谈,我认为继HTML之后,最成功的基于标记的数据格式应该是RSS。

    I was talking with one of the founders of Technorati , a blog search engine , and I was under the impression that after HTML , the second most successful tag-based data format would have been RSS .

  7. 谷歌还已成为technorati的竞争对手,创建了自己的博客搜索服务,而创办technorati的宗旨就是服务于这个市场。

    The Internet Group has also become a competitor , creating a service of its own to search inside blogs the same market that Technorati was set up to serve .

  8. 基于语义网的博客搜索引擎的研究

    A Study of Blog Search Engine Based on Semantic Web

  9. 设计了一个基于发布订阅模型的博客搜索系统。

    The paper designs a blog search system based on publish-subscribe model .

  10. 有了集成的博客搜索工具,搜索博客上的信息变得更加简单。

    Searching for information on blogs is simplified with integrated blog searching tools .

  11. 基于本体的博客搜索引擎关键技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Key Technologies of BLOG Search Engine Based on Ontology

  12. 一种基于发布订阅模型的博客搜索系统

    A Blog Search System Based on Publish-Subscribe Model

  13. 掌握博客搜索和工具。

    Master blogging search engines and tools .

  14. 本文就是针对这一问题尝试构建图情博客搜索引擎,以满足图情用户的需求。

    In order to satisfy the needs of the users , the paper intends to construct the LIS Blog Search Engine .

  15. 最后,笔者总结了图情博客搜索引擎的特点及不足之处,并对以后的改进工作做出了展望。

    Finally , the author summarizes the features and shortcomings of LIS Blog Search Engine and predicts the future improvements on the search engine .

  16. 如何设计一个合理的博客搜索引擎系统,使其能在语义层次上收集、组织和检索博客资源,提高信息的利用率,成为了一个很有挑战性的研究内容。

    Therefore , it is a challenging task to design a reasonable blog search engine system to collect , organize and retrieve blog sources , and to improve the utilization ratio of information resources .

  17. 美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。

    Danny Sullivan at search engine land counts the ways .

  18. 几年以前,丹尼•苏利文曾经在他的博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)上撰写过一篇博文,虚构了谷歌拆分的情景。

    A few years back , Danny Sullivan penned a fictional scenario of a Google breakup for his blog , search engine land .

  19. 显然,执行一次搜索之后,页面看上去好多了。视频、博客和搜索结果使页面更加美观。

    Obviously , the page looks a whole lot better once you do a search ; the video , blogs , and search results give the page a nicer look .

  20. (别忘了要允许未经身份验证的用户通过向beforeInterceptor添加search动作来进行博客条目的搜索。)

    ( Don 't forget to allow unauthenticated users to search for blog entries by adding the search action to the beforeInterceptor . )

  21. 这种不同寻常的策略的典范是summize公司betaworks投资的一个在线评论和博客文章的搜索引擎。

    The poster child for this unusual approach was summize , a search engine for online reviews and blog posts in which betaworks invested .

  22. 她还通过电子邮件注册接受折扣信息,在博客圈里搜索以期获得其它折扣。

    She also signs up to receive discount offers via email and trolls the blogosphere for other discounts .

  23. 面向博客领域的垂直搜索引擎的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Vertical Search Engine of Blog Oriented

  24. 提示排名第四的是,您应该提交您的博客所有的主要搜索引擎和博客目录。

    Tip number four is that you should submit all your blogs to the major search engines and blog directories .

  25. 日本人很喜欢用电脑和手机写博客,根据Techocrati博客搜索引擎去年的一项统计数据,日语博客占全球博客总数的37%,居世界首位,其次是英语博客和中文博客。

    Blogging with computers and mobile phones is popular in Japan , which had the greatest number of blog posts by language at 37 percent , followed by English and Chinese posts , a study from blog search engine Technocrati in 2007 showed .

  26. 我们已经出版了数百个博客文章对多年来在这个博客的搜索,我们谷歌官方博客,甚至对我的个人博客。

    We 've published hundreds of blog posts about search over the years on this blog , our Official Google Blog , and even on my personal blog .

  27. 博客作为个人知识获取的工具通常通过RSS信息推送服务、网络书签的信息推荐服务、网络标签的定制、博客专业搜索引擎等手段来实现。第二,博客的个人知识组织。

    Firstly , blog as a tool for acquiring personal knowledge is usually propelled by RSS information services , social bookmarks and recommending services , tag subscription , blog search engines .