
  • 网络Nanyu Town
  1. 于北大屿山郊野公园和南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事以进行工程项目。

    Earthworks in the Lantau North Country Park and Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project .

  2. 地理分布:香港特有种,仅见于大屿山的大东山和凤凰山。于北大屿山郊野公园和南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事以进行工程项目。

    Distribution : Sunset Peak , Lantau Peak ; endemic to Hong Kong . Earthworks in the Lantau North Country Park and Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project .

  3. 位于昂坪自然保育区及南大屿郊野公园内的土木工事以竖设刻有饶教授惠赠。

    Earthworks within a conservation area at Ngong Ping and the Lantau South Country Park for the installation of timber columns carved with the calligraphy of Heart Sutra from Professor jao .

  4. 关于本请愿书「岛屿活力行动」现正进行签名运动,反对在南大屿山离岸石鼓洲对开海上兴建人工岛及综合废物处理设施。

    LIM is campaigning against plans to locate an IWMF ( Integrated Waste Management Facility ) incineration plant on an artificial island at Shek Kwu Chau , off the coast of South Lantau .

  5. 大东山特别地区〔位于北大屿郊野公园及南大屿郊野公园内〕北京大学校园地处北京西郊海淀园林区,北依圆明园遗址,西临颐和园。

    Sunset Peak Special Area [ within the Lantau North and Lantau South Country Parks ] Peking University has a beautiful campus , which is located at Hai Dian , an area in the western suburbs of Beijing renowned in the old days for its gardens and parks .