
  • 网络Singly Linked List;single linked list;linked list;link list
  1. 头结点与单链表

    The Head Node and Singly Linked List

  2. 建树又可分为3个子过程:频率统计、创建叶子结点单链表、叶子结点连接成树。

    Contribution can be divided into three sub-processes : frequency statistics to create a single linked list of leaf nodes , leaf nodes connected into a tree .

  3. C中用指针动态建立单链表的几种方法

    Several Methods of Dynamic Construction of Sole Chain List by Needle within C Programming Language

  4. 本文将只讨论单链表;术语“链表(linkedlist)”和“列表(list)”都被用来表示单链表。

    This article will discuss only singly linked lists ; the terms " linked lists " and " lists " will both be used to mean singly linked lists .

  5. 用pascal语言建立单链表应该注意的问题

    Several attentive questions of using PASCAL language to set up single chain form

  6. 力图为用pascal语言建立单链表的设计人员提供一些经验积累。

    In order to provide some experience for designer to set up single chain with pascal language .

  7. 借鉴时钟的分频思想,采用单链表结构设计的定时组件可以在满足网关系统其它组件对时钟精度要求条件下,降低系统CPU的占用时间。

    Refer to clock frequency and a single list structure , timer architecture can meet the condition of system clock accuracy , and simultaneously reduce run-time of timer .

  8. 该算法引入聚合链的单链表结构,改进了FP树结构。

    A kind of single linked lists named aggregative chain is introduced to the algorithm , thus improving the architecture of FP tree .

  9. 列表(list)处理是计算机最强功能之一;单链表(singlylinkedlists)为可以应用于编程各个方面的许多有趣的算法和技术提供了基础。

    List processing is one of the computer 's biggest strengths ; singly linked lists provide the basis for a number of interesting algorithms and techniques that are useful in every aspect of programming .

  10. 针对传统教学模式的缺点,利用Flash进行了算法动态演示软件的开发,并以开发单链表插入算法演示为例,详细讲述了其操作步骤。

    In the light of the disadvantages of traditional teaching mode , this paper advances that using flash develops the dynamic demonstration software of algorithm , and taking the development of chain table 's insertion algorithm demonstration as the example , expounds in detail the operating steps .

  11. 单链表在离子发动机光学系统粒子模拟中的应用

    Particle simulation of ion thruster optical system using single linked list

  12. 静态单链表存储结构算法分析

    The method of memory - mapped in static linked List

  13. 正向生成单链表算法的研究

    A research on arithmetic creation of simply linked list from head to tail

  14. 单链表的一个应用

    An Application of the Unidirectional Chain Table

  15. 可以将两个无序的单链表和并成一个单链表!

    Disorder can be two and a single linked list and into a single linked list !

  16. 单链表是让您可以描述多种类型数据的一种有效抽象。

    Singly linked lists are a powerful abstraction that allow you to represent numerous types of data .

  17. 已使用关于单链表、双链表和二叉树的指针程序测试了该自动定理证明器。

    The tool is tested on pointer programs mainly about singly-linked lists , doubly-linked lists and binary trees .

  18. 修改单链表模板类,使结点类的数据域改为数据类对象的指针。

    Modify the linked list template class , so that node data fields to the data class class object .

  19. 利用单链表实现学生健康系统的管理,基本要求的东西都齐全了。

    Using single-list system to achieve the management of student health , the basic things that all materials requested .

  20. 利用单链表数据结构将植物根系数据组织一个数据结构类,完成一条根系的生长。

    Use single linked list data structure to organize a plant root data structure class , and complete a root growth .

  21. 本文对单链表进行研究,并提出了从表头到表尾正向生成单链表的算法。

    The simply linked list is fully researched into and its creation from head to tail is offered in the article .

  22. 许多《数据结构》教材只讨论了从表尾到表头逆向生成单链表的算法,而没有讨论从表头到表尾正向生成单链表的算法。

    There are only discussions about arithmetic creation of simply linked list from tail to head without that from head to tail .

  23. 整个算法采用单链表作为输入输出的数据结构且无需限制输入多边形的方向。

    The whole algorithm adopts single chain table as input / output data structure and there is no need to specify the direction of polygons input .

  24. 本文主要以建立学生信息链表为例,分别介绍无头结点、有头结点单链表的逆序建立和顺序建立过程以及算法实现。

    Mainly based on the construction of students ' information chains , the article introduces the process of disorder and order construction of node sloe chain list .

  25. 将后序遍历二叉树的边构造一个单链表,使用指针跳越技术对单链表进行表序问题求解,从而得到后序遍历二叉树结点的顺序。

    Using the pointer jumping , the problem of the list ranking is solved . So the order of the node of the postorder-traversal binary tree is obtained .

  26. 要求为该单链表模板类建立深复制函数,这需要结点类和学生类的复制构造函数均为深复制。

    Requirements for the establishment of a single linked list template class deep copy function , which requires node class and the students copy the class are deep copy constructor .

  27. 先来介绍一下单链表的建立,明白其思路后,再巧用其算法,很快的就能构造出单循环链表和单链表的逆序的算法。

    The first to introduce a single linked list , understand their thinking , then how to use their algorithms , can be constructed quickly a one-cycle single linked list and the algorithm of retrograding linked list .

  28. 本文实现了一个分析工具原型,它将空指针解引用分析技术、整型变量取值范围分析技术、单链表可达性分析技术整合到一起,并允许使用者进行人工干预。

    A prototype tool has been developed . It integrates three typical data flow analysis techniques : null pointer dereference analysis , integer variable value interval analysis and the single-linked list reachability analysis , and offer the ability to interact with users .

  29. 通过比较带头结点与不带头结点单链表的建立、插入、删除等基本操作,说明带头结点单链表的算法简单、易懂、容易实现。

    By the comparison with the create , insert , delete etc basic operations of singly linked lists of head node and no head node , this paper shows the algorithm about singly linked lists of the head node is simple and easy to comprehend and come true .