
  • 网络single thread;libc.lib;single-threaded;Single-thread;Single
  1. 对于单线程程序来说,我们很容易知道是如何终止的:当用户退出时程序就退出了。

    It 's easy to see what to do with a single thread : exit when the user says to quit .

  2. Compass:为单线程使用,创建线程安全的实例来打开CompassSeesion。

    Compass : A thread safe instance used to open Compass Sessions for single thread usage .

  3. 一直以来,Web应用程序被局限在一个单线程世界中。

    Web applications have traditionally been stuck in a single-threaded world .

  4. 服务器端web应用开发通常为单线程编程。

    Server-side web application development is mostly single-threaded programming .

  5. 注意:根据默认,Web服务引擎被配置为单线程引擎。

    NOTE : The Web service engine is configured as single threaded by default .

  6. 在一个简单的单线程应用程序中,100%的Tree时间将用于main()方法。

    In a simple single-threaded application , 100 percent of the Tree time would be spent in the main () method .

  7. 第一个选项Alldatabases对应于单线程配置。

    The first option All databases corresponds to a single-threaded configuration .

  8. 在很多较老的C语言实现中,函数被认为是在单线程进程的环境中运行。

    In many older implementations of the C language , functions were expected to work in an environment of single-threaded processes .

  9. 即使在单线程环境中Java程序也会有与线程同步相关的开销。

    Java programs pay the costs associated with thread synchronization even when they are used in a single-threaded environment .

  10. 您可以使用VisualC++项目创建三种项目变体(单线程或者多线程)中的一种

    You can use a Visual C + + project to create one of three variants ( single or multi-threaded ) of a project

  11. 只需指出基本的Swing应用程序本质上是单线程的。

    Suffice it to say that Swing applications are essentially single-threaded out of the box .

  12. 用处理器与收集间隔的比值表示的CPU使用率的分布情况,该信息有助于识别单线程的进程

    Distribution of CPU utilization by processor over the collection interval & useful in identifying single-threaded processes

  13. 每个CPU上都会启动一个线程并针对该CPU所分配到的(输入数组的)分区进行单线程的排序。

    One thread is started for each CPU to perform a singled-threaded sort within its own partition .

  14. 算法在普通PC单线程运行,平均处理一帧图像的时间是160毫秒,基本满足实时性要求。

    Running single thread on ordinary PC , the time of processing one image frame is 160 ms averagely , which meets the basic real-time requirement .

  15. 如果侦听器是单线程的,而InterChangeServer也并未在高速磁盘子系统上运行,则侦听器可能会成为瓶颈。

    The listener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded , and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem .

  16. 这种速度就如同每秒传递了700张DVD光碟的数据,这也是目前单线程数据传输的最快纪录。

    That 's like sending 700 DVDs a second - the fastest ever recorded for a single laser .

  17. 然而,我经常在想为什么在单线程模型Servlet的周围不放置一个类似的共享系统呢?

    However , I always wondered why a similar pooling system could not be placed around single-threaded model Servlets .

  18. web服务器利用服务器的多个内核来同时处理来自用户的多个请求,但是每个这样的请求通常都由单线程代码处理。

    The web server takes advantage of the server 's many cores to allow it to handle many simultaneous requests from the user , but each such request can often be handled by single-threaded code .

  19. 早期的JDK使用了单线程的标记-清除或者标记-清除-整理收集器。

    Early JDKs used a single-threaded mark-sweep or mark-sweep-compact collector .

  20. 不过在编写本文时,IBM正在同时发行基于2.0和1.3版本的IBMHTTPServer,这样您就可以选择使用单线程的基于1.3版本的服务器了。

    At the time of writing , IBM is shipping V2.0-and V1.3-based versions of IBM HTTP Server , giving you the choice to use the single-threaded V1.3-based server .

  21. 该技术已经用于实现Java程序的绑定时间分析,能够有效地分析大多数单线程的Java程序,为实现高性能Java程序部分求值提供了必要的手段。

    The binding time analysis has been implemented for Java . It is able to analyse most single thread Java programs and support partial evaluation for Java with higher performance .

  22. 另一方面,不用牺牲性能和可伸缩性,Node的请求就可以延长一段时间,因为Node是个完全异步、单线程、单进程的框架。

    On the other hand , in Node requests can extend for long periods of time without sacrificing performance or scalability , as it 's a fully asynchronous , single-threaded , single-process framework .

  23. 这4个单线程CSLD任务通过4个CM代理连接到同一个archpro实例。

    The four single-threaded CSLD tasks connect to the same archpro instance with four CM agents .

  24. 对单线程运行时(例如MRI或V8)而言,这很重要,因为只有一个线程可以工作。

    For single-threaded runtimes , like MRI or V8 , this is very important since there 's only one thread available to do work .

  25. 根据AMD官方跑分来看,1800X的单线程成绩与6900K相当而多线程表现更优。

    According to AMD 's benchmarks , the 1800X ties the 6900K on singlethreaded benchmarks , and beats Intel on multithreaded performance .

  26. 那么,一个单线程的CSLD任务将看到所有这1000个任务,并按顺序逐个处理它们。

    A single-threaded CSLD task will see all1,000 jobs and process them sequentially .

  27. 结果总是一个单线程的CSLD任务。

    The outcome is always a single-threaded CSLD task .

  28. 其实,PDS在同时执行许多单线程任务,并且注意在单个管理对象上产生的冲突。

    Instead , the PDS executes many of these monothreaded tasks simultaneously and watches for contention on the individual Managed Objects .

  29. 你是否需要让你的类是单线程的?或者允许WCF能够在同一时间有多个实例?

    Do you need to single-thread your classes or can you allow WCF to spin up multiple instances simultaneously ?

  30. 在单线程应用程序中使用该驱动程序时,可将此选项设置为0,以避免odbc线程安全标准所需要的额外处理。

    When using the driver with single-threaded applications , you can set this option to0to avoid additional processing required for ODBC thread-safety standards .