
  • 网络Uni-level marketing;Single Level Marketing;single-level direct selling
  1. 直销是一种新型的市场营销方式,最早出现在美国,它分为单层次直销和多层次直销(又称传销)两类。

    Direct Selling is a new type marketing way , it appears earliest in the US , including two types : Uni-level Marketing and Multi-level Marketing .

  2. 直销包括单层次直销和多层次直销(multi-leveldirectselling),多层次直销就是俗称的传销,都属于产品分销渠道。

    Direct selling includes one-level direct selling and multi-level direct selling commonly called spreading selling , both of which belong to the retail channels of commodity .

  3. 在我国,除单层次传销即直销外,其它一切传销活动都为法律所禁止,即我国的传销包括国外允许而在我国禁止的多层次传销和各国都禁止的金字塔传销。

    In China , in addition to Direct Selling , all other MLM are prohibited by law . Legal MLM in foreign and Illegal MLM banned in all the countries are both been banned in our country .