
  • 网络unilateral conductivity;Unilateralism Conductivity;conductivity;Unidirectional Conductibility
  1. 水泥基pn结有良好的单向导电性,并且随时间的增加反向饱和电流越小。

    Experiments show that the cement-based pn-junctions have a good unilateral conductivity .

  2. 研究发现,边缘的不对称性掺杂引起了自旋极化效应,使自旋电流发生分裂;而对称性掺杂的异质结在反铁磁构型下出现了明显的单向导电性,显示出P-N结效应。

    It is found that asymmetry doping at the ribbon edge causes the the spin polarization effect , leading to the current split of two spins , and that under the AF state the heterojunction with symmetry doping shows the one direction conductivity and P-N junction effect .

  3. 研究表明此种电池器件具有大的正向扩散电流、小的反向漂移电流,说明其具有典型的单向导电性。

    Researches show that such hybrid solar cells have big positive spread current and small reverse current drift , suggesting the typical characteristics of p-n heterojunction , i.e. , one-way electrical conductivity .