
  • 网络Unit Testing;Unit Test;JUNIT
  1. 一种基于Java语言的Web应用程序的单元测试

    The Unit Testing of the Web Application Program Based on Java

  2. ComponentTest(组件测试):面向J2EE组件和web服务的单元测试框架的扩展

    Component Test : extension of unit testing framework targeting J2EE components and web services

  3. 开发者使用Web服务工具箱和单元测试环境来创建和测试Web服务。

    A developer uses a Web services toolkit and unit test environment to create and test the Web service .

  4. 标准单元测试环境的CAD二维图形自动判别技术研究

    Research in automatic evaluation technology of two-dimensional CAD graphics based on standard cell test environment

  5. 基于数据驱动的J2EE单元测试脚本自动生成技术

    Automatic Generation Technology of J2EE Unit Test Scripts Based on Data-driven

  6. 如果没有对代码进行单元测试,那么在升级或支持新浏览器后,组织可能需要花钱反复测试Web应用程序。

    Without unit testing this code , organizations may pay for repeated testing of web applications after upgrading or supporting new browsers .

  7. 要从View模式到Edit模式对导航执行单元测试,遵循前面列出的步骤。

    To unit test the navigation from View mode to Edit mode , follow the steps defined earlier .

  8. 这有点像测试驱动开发(TestDrivenDevelopment,TDD),单元测试应在代码之前编写。

    This resembles Test Driven Development ( TDD ), where Unit tests are supposed to be written before the code .

  9. 单元测试不调用verify方法就不会失败。

    A unit test that does not call verify is a unit test that cannot fail .

  10. 这种方法提供了灵活性,可以脱离任何集成来开发RuleBusinessObject模型和规则本身,并进行单元测试。

    This approach provides the flexibility to develop and unit test the Rule Business Object model and the rules themselves separately from any integration .

  11. 除了在Grid和单元测试方面的改进外,我们还规划了一些重大的新特性。

    Besides incremental improvements on the Grid and unit testing support , we also have some big new features planned .

  12. 只有单元测试在直接与ASTcase类合作。

    It 's only the unit tests that are working with the AST case classes directly .

  13. 一个用于客户端(浏览器内)JavaScript的单元测试框架

    JsUnit is a Unit Testing framework for client-side ( in-browser ) JavaScript

  14. 基于J2EE的企业应用程序中自动化单元测试的实现

    Use cactus to realize J2EE procedure tests automatically

  15. Mock4ME框架的应用能够有效地降低单元测试的成本,并提高JavaME应用软件的可测试性。

    It can also reduce the cost of unit testing effectively and improve the testability of Java ME application .

  16. 简单地说,这个例子是一个无状态sessionbean的单元测试。

    For simplicity , this example is a unit test of a stateless session bean .

  17. 基于PCI总线的发动机电控单元测试系统的开发

    Development of ECU Test System Based on PCI Bus

  18. Java性质提供了编辑Java类、创建单元测试用例和调试Java应用程序的所有工具。

    The Java nature provides all tools for editing Java classes , creating unit test cases and debugging Java applications .

  19. 为什么单元测试经常遗漏并行bug?

    Why do unit tests consistently miss concurrent bugs ?

  20. 您的EAR文件现在已部署到Monitor测试环境,这意味着您可以开始单元测试了。

    Your EAR file is now deployed to the Monitor Test Environment , which means you can begin your unit test .

  21. IBMRationalPurifyPlus&提高单元测试和调试的效率,提高运行时错误检查,发现瓶颈并做代码覆盖分析。

    IBM Rational PurifyPlus ™ & Increase unit testing and debugging effectiveness with runtime error detection , bottleneck discovery , and code coverage analysis .

  22. 模拟宏单元测试所需的数字控制信号在TAP的控制下扫描输入。

    All the digital control signals needed by the testing of analog macros are scaned in via the 1149.1 TAP .

  23. 要对SOA环境应用这种敏捷开发实践,您需要能够作为定期计划的集成构建的一部分执行单元测试。

    Applying this Agile development practice to SOA environments requires the ability to execute unit tests as part of your regularly scheduled integration build .

  24. 在其它领域,单元测试也一样重要并受到关注:测试优先的开发方法(TestDrivenDevelopment,简称TDD),要求在写实际的代码之前,先写出单元测试用例;

    Unit test also plays an import role in other research areas : unit test cases need to be written before writing any implementation code in test driven development ;

  25. 使用工具如JUnit对软件进行单元测试。

    Unit test their software , using tools such as JUnit .

  26. 有些开发人员或者测试人员可能会提出这样的争议:对J2EE组件进行单元测试太浪费时间,需要高密度人力资源,并且易于出错。

    Some developers or testers might argue that unit testing J2EE components is too time-consuming , labor intensive , and error prone .

  27. 这里要展示的最后一个特性是,在IPythonShell中运行单元测试。

    One final feature to demonstrate is running a unittest within an IPython shell .

  28. ATC系统软件自动化单元测试工具的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of an Automated Software Unit Test Tool in ATC System

  29. 该流程等待SOA测试人员完成单元测试报告的生成,然后发起服务集成测试请求。

    The process looks for completion of a unit test report generated by the SOA tester and then initiates a request for service integration testing .

  30. TDD实践也需要单元测试工具和重构工具的配合。

    Similarly TDD practice requires a unit testing tool and a refactoring tool .