
  • 网络Chinese-Language Film;Chinese cinema
  1. 而他的上一部华语电影《2046》距今已有九年。

    and it 's been nearly nine years since his last Chinese-language film , ' 2046 . '

  2. 在华语电影发展历史中,华语电影工作者创作了大量的清代题材影片。

    In Chinese-language film history , the Chinese filmmakers made a lot of films about the Qing Dynasty .

  3. 一共有10部华语电影在柏林电影节中上映。

    Altogether ten Chinese language films were shown at the festival .

  4. 伦敦国际华语电影节于去年正式举办。

    The China International Film Festival in London began last year .

  5. 下列哪一个是历史最悠久的华语电影奖项?

    Which of the following is the oldest Chinese film award ?

  6. 看华语电影或电视节目、新闻;

    Watch Chinese movies or television programmes and news ;

  7. 华语电影将会越来越备受触目。

    Chinese language films are set to gain more and more attention internationally .

  8. 华语电影:在互渗互补互促中拓展

    Films in Chinese : Developing by Means of Mutually Penetrating , Supplying and Promoting

  9. 中华文化始终是贯穿华语电影的共同血脉,是其共同的文化渊源和文化之根。

    Chinese culture is always the common origin and cultural root of Chinese films .

  10. 华语电影渴望走出国门,迈向历史的舞台。

    Chinese film is eager for walking out of China and striding into historical arena .

  11. 华语电影《霸王别姬》与《青蛇》的主题阐释

    An Interpretation of the Themes in Chinese Films & Farewell My Concubine and Green Snake

  12. 武侠电影作为华语电影中的一个类型片种,在华语电影史上有着极其重要的地位。

    The knight-errant films , plays an extremely important role in the Chinese-Language Cinematic history .

  13. 它是华语电影里最为古老、最具有文化内涵和发展空间的类型。

    It is the oldest Chinese-language films , most cultural connotation and type of space .

  14. 因此,他的电影是对台湾新电影乃至整个华语电影的一种无声的敲击。

    Therefore his movies are the soundless rap on Taiwan New Movie and even all Chinese movies .

  15. 在国外电影涌入国内的同时,华语电影也开始迈向国际市场。

    As the foreign films pour into China , Chinese films also begin to enter the international market .

  16. 华语电影&中美跨文化传播的重要媒介影视中的跨文化传播

    The Important Medium between the Culture of China and the U.S. Cross-cultural Communication in Film and Television Works

  17. 新世纪即将来临,处于跨文化交流中的华语电影应当如何面对机遇与挑战?

    How does Chinese film take the chance and challenge in a transcultural context of this new century ?

  18. 杨德昌始终诚实地用胶片书写着自己对人生和社会现实入木三分的观察、敏锐的思考和无情的批判,并以深刻的思想内涵和卓越的艺术技巧,创造了华语电影的一座高峰。

    Edward Yang always records his observation , meditation and criticism on life and society by films faithfully .

  19. 所以,接下来列举的是一些我认为可以代表2015年最高艺术成就的华语电影。

    So , here are some of the Chinese-language movies that I feel represent 2015 's height of artistic achievement .

  20. 华语电影《坏蛋必须死》将会成为即将到来的釜山国际电影节最受期待的影片之一

    Chinese-language comedy Bad Guys Always Die is becoming one of the most anticipated productions at the upcoming Busan International Film Festival .

  21. 北京师范大学3月发布的一份报告显示,70%的外国观众不满意华语电影的字幕。

    A report released by Beijing Normal University in March showed 70 % of overseas filmgoers were unsatisfied with subtitles in Chinese films .

  22. 全球化时代华语电影之现代性与文化认同

    Modernity and Cultural Approval of Chinese Movie in the Global Time , by Zhang Yimou , Xu Ke and Ang Lee as Examples

  23. 耗资8000万美元和制作历经数年的《赤壁》是有史以来最为昂贵的华语电影。

    Costing $ 80 million and years in the making , " Red Cliff " is the most expensive Chinese-language picture ever mounted .

  24. 第34届香港国际电影节于上周日开幕,香港电影业正重估其在华语电影市场中所扮演的角色。

    As the 34th Hong Kong International Film Festival kicked off Sunday , the local movie industry is re-evaluating its role in Chinese-language cinema .

  25. 在华语电影圈里,张艾嘉是少数几位真正将女性意识贯彻始终的导演。

    In Chinese film circle , Sylvia Chang is one of the few directors who can stick to feminine consciousness to the bitter end .

  26. 本文以华语电影中再现的中国人的“全球性移居”中的纽约的中国人为对象进行了考察。

    This paper focuses on the representation in Chinese films of the Chinese immigrants in New York as a part of the Chinese'global migration .

  27. 作为一个贪婪的观众和一个自认的发烧影迷,他在2006年刚到中国不久就开始了对大陆华语电影的探索。

    A voracious consumer of films and self-confessed cinematic obsessive , he began his exploration of mainland Chinese cinema soon after arriving in China in2006 .

  28. 上个周末,伦敦国际华语电影节颁奖典礼在伦敦拉开了帷幕,许多中国明星参加了这次典礼。

    The awards ceremony for the China International Film Festival in London has been held over the weekend , with a number of Chinese stars attending .

  29. 伦敦国际华语电影节是中国电影业向海外观众介绍并推广的一次良机。

    The film festival is a very good opportunity for people from the Chinese film industry to promote and present their works to an overseas audience .

  30. 当前优秀华语电影的观众能动力既决定娱乐也决定电影的生存和发展。

    At present , the initiation of excellent Chinese film audience not only determine recreation , but also the survival and development of the film industry .